Samsung SRD-440, new H.264 four-channel DVR with multiple remote viewing options21 February 2012 Samsung ha incorporado a su catálogo de productos el ...
Gary Rowden, Samsung Techwin Europe's new Director of Marketing and Sales16 February 2012 Gary Rowden se ha convertido en el nuevo director ...
Samsung unveils new range of H.264 high-speed network dome cameras19 January 2012 Samsung cuenta con cuatro nuevos modelos de cámaras domo ...
European rail industry approves Samsung's anti-vandal minidome cameras12 January 2012 La empresa de certificación SGS Korea ha homologado la ...
Samsung NET-i Ware 1.33, real-time recording of up to 64 HD cameras3 October 2011 La versión más actualizada del software de grabación NET-i ...
Samsung's SRD digital vcrs, now compatible with discs 2 Tb19 September 2011 Los videograbadores digitales de la serie SRD y las ...
Samsung unveils new range of ONVIF encoders5 July 2011 Samsung ha añadido dos nuevos codificadores que cumplen con ...
Samsung SNP-5200: new PTZ dome cameras with optical zoom 20 Increases1 July 2011 La nueva cámara domo PTZ de red SNP-5200 de ...
Crambo will show in Matelec'10 the latest in presentation, Corporate, broadcast and training25 October 2010 Crambo will be present at the fifteenth edition of the Show ...
Crambo Visuales, growing stronger in digital signage7 October 2010 The Spinetix HMP-100 player, the smallest on the market, ...
Crambo closes his Tour in Madrid 20102 July 2010 Crambo Visuales has closed this Thursday in Madrid its ...