LLC Konus Ukraine and Vivotek ensure the safety of Nikolaev Zoo species20 February 2017 La infraestructura de videovigilancia IP está integrada por el ...
Christie Phoenix integrates with XProtect to provide a monitoring system for critical environments16 February 2017 The version 1.5 del sistema de gestión de contenidos ...
Technological trends in the security market to be adopted this year10 February 2017 The Chief Technology Officer at Axis Communications, Johan Paulsson, ...
Avitom develops a full range of smart cameras for shops and offices18 January 2017 Esta nueva línea de cámaras IP-Nube inteligentes se compone ...
Protection of AV equipment will focus Infocomm and Cedia security conference on ISE 201716 January 2017 Hacer frente a los cada vez más sofisticados y ...
Vivotek helps protect rhinos from Thula Thula orphanage13 January 2017 En esta reserva sudafricana se ha instalado una infraestructura ...
Peru's mall implements CCTV system to cover long distances13 December 2016 The infrastructure is made up of 31 fixed cameras and 7 ...
Hyundai revolutionizes the concept of electronic security with its new Nextgen CCTV line7 December 2016 Esta familia proporciona la capacidad de adaptarse a cualquier ...
Dahua Easy4ip: video surveillance app for remote monitoring via web or smartphone29 November 2016 This software visualizes the images in real time via ...
Moxa MXNVR-RO-T: NVR for video surveillance applications in the railway environment25 November 2016 Dotado de la versatilidad y robustez necesaria para funcionar ...
Milestone VMS integrates into Nedap's Aeos access control solution21 November 2016 La solución resultante de esta fusión de tecnologías ya ...
TRENDnet develops a video vcr for network 16 Channels2 November 2016 Este NVR se presenta como una solución completa de ...
Honeywell renews its line of solutions for video surveillance applications28 October 2016 The company has expanded its equIP range with cameras ...
Synology Surveillance Station 8.0 Beta: with a more efficient desktop interface and fault recovery24 October 2016 This version supports new codecs, dispone de una interfaz ...
Security Essen 2016 heats engines with a new program and activities for exhibitors and professionals22 September 2016 El recinto alemán de Messe Essen ultima los preparativos ...
Levi Strauss securizes its stores in Germany with a networked IP video surveillance system16 September 2016 In the 50 tiendas que la compañía tiene repartidas ...
Vivotek simplifies the design of video surveillance systems with JVSG7 September 2016 Con esta aplicación es posible calcular las lentes de ...
Taipei hospital installs end-to-end video surveillance solution with Surveon27 July 2016 Con objeto de sustituir la anterior plataforma CCTV y ...
Scati solutions securize a luxury hotel located in the heart of Manhattan18 July 2016 La estructura de videovigilancia está integrada por casi un ...
Tech Data creates a division dedicated exclusively to security solutions8 July 2016 Con el objetivo de potenciar esta división de negocio, ...