Mobotix Partner EMEA2025The main objective of this European event of Mobotix is to create a networking platform, delve into industry trends and showcase new video solutions.

With the motto Sailing in Tomorrow, the German manufacturer Mobotix has celebrated his EMEA Partner Conference 2025 in Amsterdam (Netherlands), in which he has had the support of more than 150 Partners, who have been able to learn about the trends in the security industry and its new solutions.

"During the two days of the conference, We demonstrate to our partners how Mobotix solutions can offer them decisive competitive advantages and a Strategic added value -explains its CEO, Thomas Lausten-. In addition, we can establish valuable contacts with colleagues in the sector and Expand our professional networks".

In addition to the one recently held in Amsterdam, Mobotix has previously hosted two partner conferences: MPC LATAM in Cancun (Mexico) and MPC DACH in Langmeil (Germany), which will be followed during the coming months of April and June by those of Jakarta (Indonesia) and Melbourne (Australia).

Among other solutions that have been shown during this conference, the following stand out: thermal cameras and applications for the optical character recognition (OCR), as well as the Text recognition technology displayed on the screen within videos and for the Healthcare environment.

No doubt, The Platform Mobotix One, that the company introduced last year, has been one of the great protagonists of the conference and in the community of partners of the manufacturer.

This is what he points out. Christian Cabirol, CTO of the company: "With Mobotix One we have developed a platform that effortlessly combines the decentralized world of our company with the AI trends in video security. Now we also think about video solutions in terms of software and apps and integrate them seamlessly into the Decentralized single-chamber architecture Mobotix. This allows our customers to create their own AI-based video security solution.".

Together with its technology partners, Mobotix develops solutions "that go far beyond traditional security approaches and create new business opportunities".

During the conference, Attendees had the opportunity to learn about and experience in practice these advanced applications in the fields of thermal technology, Optical Character Recognition and Healthcare Solutions, as well as real projects and customized solutions, "that inspire guests and show them new approaches and ideas on how these products can be used to solve very particular challenges in different sectors or for specific customers".

As Lausten assures, "Our partners are the key to our global strength. Your commitment to sales, support and know-how are key factors in the excellent quality of Mobotix, therefore We attach great importance to maintaining and expanding our network. With our conferences, We create a unique platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and co-shaping the future of intelligent video technology solutions".

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By • 20 Sea, 2025
• Section: Events, Training, Business, Video surveillance