Seafar NV Axis PTZ

The next twelve months will be marked in the security sector by developments in previous years, although technological innovation in AI will be the focus of most of the developments, as analyzed by the experts at Axis Communications: Johan Paulsson, Mats Thulin and Thomas Ekdahl.

Although the speed of change is faster than ever, as they point out from Axis In your Trend analysis for the present 2025 in the security environment, some of them are evolutions of those that began in previous years.

An obvious trend is the continued interest in how AI will be applied in the security sector, in which Axis highlights some considerations that will have to be addressed in the future and others that have recently emerged.

According to the infographic made by this company, national and regional policymakers will again try to keep pace with technological innovation in AI, Cybersecurity, privacy... that will mark the focus of the proposed and new regulations to which each organization will have to respond.

"We believe that within all these trends," Axis points out- There is a significant opportunity for the sector. For our customers, This means enhanced capabilities, more flexibility, greater efficiency and greater value".

Axis Experience Center Madrid

Hybrid Solutions: The basis of freedom of choice

In previous years, Axis has highlighted how hybrid architectures, those that make the best use of edge technologies, Cloud & On-Premises, have become the de facto choice for security solutions.

The factors that decide architectural choices will be unique to each organization, taking into account the concerns and technological requirements, Legal, ethical and governance. The environment evolves rapidly, so freedom of choice is imperative.

Hybrid solutions offer freedom of choice for storing video, View it or manage devices, Etc. Combining Edge Technologies, in the cloud and on-premises for an optimal total system solution or using its flexibility, The organization will need to choose the one that best suits its business.

Whether required by emerging local and regional regulations or data governance concerns, costs or energy efficiency, Hybrid solutions will continue to offer the most flexibility in creating architectures that best fit the specific needs of each organization and allow a system to scale.

Axis P1245, P1265 and P1275

Evolution of AI

Development in the field of AI continues to advance. Deep learning technologies are the foundation of most analytics solutions in the security industry, while newer generative AI technologies are maturing rapidly.

From Axis they point out that "there is still a lot of commotion in certain areas, but there are more and more real applications of generative AI in the security sector. Each step of evolution brings with it a new set of opportunities, but also ethical considerations, legal and corporate".

Generative AI models are large and require a lot of computing power to run, which creates a debate about how to balance its cost (both in terms of financial investment and energy use and environmental impact) with its value.

In this sense, Axis experts point out that "a great effort is being made to reduce the size of the models while maintaining the quality of the results. The increased use of AI technologies reinforces hybrid architectures as standard".

The various "flavors" of AI, from deep learning-based object recognition to generative AI, demand or benefit from its application in different locations of the value chain and in specific environments.

Generative AI can help operators interact with security solutions in natural language, But, at least in the near future, will require significant processing power. On the contrary, Analytics based on deep learning, such as improved object recognition, can be run inside the surveillance cameras themselves.

Over time, This will allow generative models to run, at least partially, in chambers with high-quality results. At the same time, Models are improving in terms of quality in terms of ethical aspects, Biases, hallucinations and the risk of making incorrect decisions.

"Over time, We will have a great opportunity to drastically change the efficiency and effectiveness of security operations. Algorithms will be able to understand what is happening in a scene and react to anomalies, based on the analysis of different types of input data, Included, among others, visual information".

The input data comes from the radar, audio and other sensors, which will create solutions that will allow the development of increasingly proactive capabilities and generate valuable information on security scenarios for long-term planning.

Axis at Mall of America

The future of security becomes a reality

The Application of Computer Vision, audio, Access control and other increasingly advanced connected technologies continue to service safety and security use cases.

Greater accuracy of analytics through the application of AI, especially in object recognition, means that incidents can be responded to faster and more effectively than before.

Data generated by sensors of all kinds (video, Audio, Environmental, Etc.) can benefit numerous use cases beyond the traditional ones. Although it is still a relatively small part of the market, Axis foresees an acceleration of applications aligned with operational efficiency and business intelligence.

This trend emphasizes opportunities for greater collaboration between customer organizations. Technology that is acquired or specified for a use case could be used in another area of a company's operations.

For example, Data created by video cameras used primarily for security purposes can be analyzed over time to improve the customer or employee experience, sustainability or efficiency of processes.

Thanks to the high-quality hardware platforms available, The pace of development and innovation is amazing. Hardware vendors that foster an open and collaborative ecosystem of application developers and system integrators will bring more value to customers faster.

Axis Experience Center in Madrid

The 'renaissance' of image quality

Suggesting that a focus on image quality is a trend in the industry, where many would assume that it has always been a priority (And this is so), might not fit into this analysis, As pointed out by this manufacturer. The trend is how images from visual sensors are used and, with it, the opportunities offered by better image quality.

The paradigm shifts when one considers that images are now usually initially viewed and analyzed by computers rather than humans, and that are continuously displayed, rather than when an incident of interest has occurred.

Advances in analytics and AI mean that a higher resolution image inevitably generates a better result, whatever the use case. Object recognition will be more accurate and data will be created (and metadata) More detailed. The drive towards even better image quality has been revived.

With this has arisen opportunities in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. A single camera producing much higher image quality can now cover an area that would have previously required multiple devices.

Higher resolution images are also supported for analytics, For example, in large crowds, busy traffic crossings or fast-moving production lines.

Human beings are still very "informed", and operators will automatically be alerted to scenes they need to pay attention to, which will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of a response.

Image quality as focus will also pay close attention to the maintenance of surveillance cameras, which often remains a manual task, as small obstructions can have a significant impact on the analysis.

Axis at DSG UW

The Long-Term Value of Software Support

In the upper echelon of the security industry, Hardware quality has improved year after year. Today, The devices can be of such high quality, especially in terms of performance and capabilities, whereas expectations for its lifespan are higher than ever.

But, Although quality hardware can last for many years, as shown in the duration of the warranties, The factor that defines the functionality of a camera, including cybersecurity, and, therefore, Its lifetime value, Comes through ongoing software support.

Vendor commitments to supporting the software for the entire expected lifetime of the hardware are essential, as it continues to improve and develop the capabilities of the camera, keeping it as safe as possible.

This also supports the total cost of ownership of the hardware. An investment in a better quality camera, with comprehensive software support throughout its lifecycle, will ultimately be a more effective and efficient solution.

Axis Artpec-9

Technological autonomy for the customer

Ultimately, "The role of Axis and our partner ecosystem is to focus on meeting customer needs. Technology in itself is not good for much: innovations must align with end-user priorities".

As pointed out by the company, This means supporting customers' security goals, Operational efficiency and business intelligence. But also to favor its position on cybersecurity, Commitment to sustainability through energy-efficient solutions and flexibility and freedom of choice thanks to technologies and platforms based on open standards.

Technology providers with more autonomy over their core technologies are clearly in the best position to respond to their customers' requirements. Greater control over core technology will allow them to design specific capabilities and functionalities aligned with customer needs in their products and deliver on the commitment to be "secure by design".

In addition, Greater control of technology, at the level of components or even materials, It is an important prerequisite for more effectively mitigating the risks of wider disruption of global supply chains. This improves the ability to meet customer requirements at the right time.

As pointed out by Axis, "We're already seeing companies that were traditionally seen as software providers gaining more control over the delivery of their services, especially in the area of AI, and we expect this trend to continue across all sectors.".

Independence from mainstream technology is a trend "that we're proud to say we're a little bit ahead of the curve, since we have developed our own system-on-chip, Artpec, for the last twenty-five years".

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By • 10 Jan, 2025
• Section: Deep down, HIGHLIGHTED IN DEPTH, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Studies, Business, Computer security, Urban security, Video surveillance