Teledyne Flir Vue TV128plus

Designed specifically for the Siras professional unmanned aerial system of Teledyne Flir, VUE TV128+ thermal camera module meets utility needs, Safety and emergencies in inspections.

The module Vue TV128+ you just filed Teledyne Flir for your professional drone Siras (Unmanned Aerial System – UAS) equip a 128x zoom viewable camera and 16 Megapixel with the Boson Thermal Device, with a resolution of 640x512p, for first response missions and industrial inspections.

Flir Boson+ is a module of Longwave infrared thermal camera (LWIR), No refrigeration, that offers improved thermal sensitivity less than or equal to (≤)20 Mk, providing thermal contrast and optimal sharpness, both day and night.

Teledyne Flir Vue TV128plus BosonThe new Vue TV128+ incorporates, as well as the existing Vue TV128 radiometric model, Teledyne Flir's proprietary software Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging (Msx) to further improve thermal imaging and situational awareness.

MSX adds details of Visible light to real-time thermal imaging for greater clarity, embedding edge and contour details in thermal readings. Unlike image fusion, I mean, the union of a visible light image and a thermal image, it does not dilute the latter or diminish transparency.

"With the introduction of Vue TV128+ for the Siras drone, we offer an even more advanced dual camera visible and thermal solution for professional UAV pilots," he said. Mike Walters, Vp. by Teledyne FLIR-. Improved thermal visibility, especially in low-contrast environments, it is an essential tool for inspectors and public safety professionals".

Teledyne Flir Vue TV128plus

Vue TV128+ has IP54 rating, providing operators with a robust design to withstand the elements and respond to a wide variety of missions that require immediate decision support or post-flight processing, as the Industrial and Utility Inspection, firefighting or search and rescue.

Available as part of a Teledyne Flir Siras drone package, Vue TV128+ can also be purchased as a standalone payload option for mission-critical use.

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By • 29 Oct, 2024
• Section: Detection, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance