EET Bosch Aviotec

These cameras of Bosch, distributing Tse, are IP devices with built-in AI capable of detecting both flames and smoke directly at the source. Thanks to its trained algorithm, can identify a security incident faster than traditional detectors.

EET strengthens its offer for safety fire protection with the distribution of the Bosch Aviotec cameras, that allow early detection, helping to effectively protect lives and property.

The Aviotec algorithm works by means of a Optical Analysis that examines different live images for possible signs of a fire. This method is better than thermal and infrared cameras, since combines AI with neural networks Pre-trained deep screens that analyze video images in real time and trigger alarms in the presence of smoke or flames.

Improved algorithms and high-quality images, along with a built-in IR illuminator, ensure reliable detection even in the most challenging environments. In addition, Redundant alarm transmission ensures that, even in the event of a mains shutdown, Alarms will be transmitted through the camera relay, providing an extra layer of security and providing greater confidence in fire detection.

Another significant advantage is internal analytics, that allows data processing locally in the camera without the need to transmit information to an external network, ensuring that these remain safe and under control. Coordination between the camera, Optics, Algorithms and accessories ensure optimal results, even in adverse environmental conditions and in poor lighting, ensuring effective fire detection 24 hours of the day.

This solution is equipped with a Infrared illuminator that activates automatically when the light intensity is low, ensuring continuous and effective surveillance in all conditions.

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By • 22 Jul, 2024
• Section: Alarms, Detection, Business, Video surveillance