Ajax roadshow Iberia2024

With the slogan 'Master your space', the Ukrainian security manufacturer Ajax Systems has started its roadshow in Malaga, that will travel until the next 27 six more cities in Spain and Portugal.

Malaga It was the first stop of the roadshow Master your space from the Wireless Security Systems Developer Ajax Systems, that from the past 6 and until next time 27 of the same month will tour some cities of Iberia to show its latest developments in Detectors, Cameras, video vcrs and so on.

On each day, of the seven scheduled in Spain and Portugal (with free places, but limited), Attendees registered in each city will be able to learn about The entire product portfolio company, With Live Demos.

In addition, Ajax will show its new video surveillance equipment, its entire range of Fiber devices, as well as its products Comfort for flood and fire prevention, among other new features.

Ajax roadshow: Master your space

  • Barcelona (Spain): 11 June
  • Valence (Spain): 13 June
  • Lisbon (Portugal): 18 June
  • Port (Portugal): 20 June
  • Madrid (Spain): 25 June
  • Bilbao (Spain): 27 June

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By • 10 Jun, 2024
• Section: Events, Training, Business