Mexico City Airport AxxonSoft

The creation of two command and control monitoring centers, from which the 2.200 installed cameras, are based on the technology of AxxonSoft with your video management system, IP and AI metadata processing.

More than 47,7 millions of passengers enter and depart from the Mexico City International Airport yearly. With these figures, Protect and ensure the safety of civil aviation, Passenger infrastructure and operations against illegal activities is a vital priority.

The growing volume of passengers has forced the administration of this port institution, the main and busiest in Mexico and Latin America, to launch an ambitious Comprehensive and proactive security project.

Mexico City Airport AxxonSoft

Among the requirements to gradually deploy this system are Unifying security management, both outside and inside the facility; power Combine existing analog infrastructure with new IP equipment, and complement it with Intelligent video analytics.

In response to this challenge, The Airport Integrator, LTP Global Software, decided to create a unified, AI-powered video security solution, with the selection of the specialist as its technological partner AxxonSoft.

The first step has been to create Two command and control monitoring centers in two airport terminals for Manage all operations through all installed cameras: from security checkpoints and waiting areas and shops, to the perimeter of the airport, the airfield itself and the runway.

Mexico City Airport AxxonSoft

This safety design allows operators to handle all events within a single frame, without switching from one system or display to another during the incident that may occur, as well as monitor and control any situation in a unified system to avoid interruptions when following the event from the cameras of one video management system to another.

To do this, The two airport management centres created by its management and security department, One in each terminal, supervises the Installation of 2.200 surveillance cameras state-of-the-art in an advanced video management system, IP metadata processing and artificial intelligence.

Specifically, eight hundred new IP cameras have been installed, that have been integrated with the 1.400 existing analogue and IP equipment already at the airport, which will be expanded in the short term.

A new control room has also been set up to detect and prevent security breaches at the airport and Streamline the flow of useful information to the Federal Police and offer a faster and more efficient response.

Mexico City Airport AxxonSoft

AxxonSoft's Intelligent Video Management Platform Enables Users to Perform Unique Video Analytics Tasks, in addition to optimizing search functions. This VMS includes special analytical tools, As 3D interactive maps, facial and license plate recognition, Moment Quest Forensic Search, Detection and tracking of people, Etc.

AI-powered unified video management system makes Mexico City Airport's overall security platform much more efficient and meets the main goal set: ensure the safety of passengers and staff.

As a result, The airport is now perfectly monitored both inside and outside; at all terminals, from security and personal baggage checks to the perimeter itself, there are currently no blind spots.

Each zone is monitored and controlled in one system to avoid interruptions, following the event from the cameras of one video management system to another, thanks to AxxonSoft's centralized management and coordination, ensuring that airport expansion does not compromise safety.

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By • 5 Jun, 2024
• Section: Case studies, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Intrusion, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance