Genetec audio platform on electronic security

Simon St Jacques, product group manager at Genetec Security Center Sipelia, highlights in this opinion column how by integrating audio with video surveillance and access control, A key piece is added to security operations.

In the past, intercoms and telephones were primarily the domain of IT specialists. More recently, organizations have begun to realize the importance of integrating Audio capabilities as a fundamental element of its electronic security. The latest advances in audio technology offer a transformative way to improve communications and situational awareness, Streamline procedures and control costs.

In an emergency, Communication is essential. Real-time call integration, Intercom communications and data from cameras and sensors improves situational awareness. Like this, Teams can respond more effectively to security issues.

In addition, The Unified platforms allow companies to manage, Monitor and control communications along with the rest of your software and security systems. Security managers can manage incoming calls and grant or deny access within the same platform they use for the Video surveillance, access control and other technologies.

For example, if an urgent security threat is detected through video surveillance, Managers can immediately trigger a public announcement. Audio communication technology can help them quickly coordinate an evacuation or shelter-in-place, depending on the circumstances. The ability to manage everything in a unified way allows security guards to work more effectively.

Improve staff effectiveness

Unifying audio communications also helps reduce costs and streamline staff training. If high staff turnover is a problem, Having a single system to learn from makes it easier to onboard new team members. Also, Systems with digital standard operating procedures (Sops) They further speed up the work of the new guards.

Digital SOPs can even automate specific actions to save time. Team members have all the right steps at their fingertips. No time wasted. Actions such as initiating a call to 112 When a panic button is pressed or a public announcement is triggered when certain conditions are met, they can be programmed to occur automatically.
Consider mobile apps

Modern communications management systems can include a mobile app.

Operators do not need to remain at their desks to use the system. They can do this from their mobile device. Tasks such as viewing surveillance systems, Answering calls or checking alerts can be done even if they are on patrol.

Let's imagine that a security officer is on the ground conducting routine inspections in a large commercial building. Suddenly, Receive a call through the intercom at the entrance door of the building, but the agent is not near his desk. In this situation, Mobile integration is critical. With a mobile device, The security officer can answer the intercom call and communicate with the person at the door, even unlock it remotely if needed.

Find solutions with versatile applications

Organizations are just beginning to explore the enormous potential of unified communications management technology. Modern communications management solutions also offer a variety of features to enhance electronic security.

For example, Audio messages can be written in multiple languages, Pre-recorded and automated. Writing a message to play it has several advantages. Listeners always hear the same voice over the loudspeaker, which gives them a sense of familiarity and coherence.

Messages can also be automated based on one or more triggers with conditions for one or more actions. For example, Video analytics can be used to detect long queues in a busy environment, like a stadium. If the system detects a queue that is too long, You can alert staff to open another door and issue an announcement to let people know they can move to a shorter queue, thus improving operations and customer experience.

Flexibility, Compatibility and scalability

Open architecture and compatibility with multiple devices and brands give professionals flexibility to design security systems based on budget, specific roles and needs. Hardware selection can be mixed and matched and the system can be expanded as needs evolve.

This approach can also allow for the reuse of some existing hardware, so you don't have to remove and replace all the devices and wiring when you upgrade the system.

Audio is key to comprehensive security

By integrating audio with video surveillance and access control, Added missing piece of context to security operations. When someone calls an intercom or initiates a public announcement in a public address area that includes loudspeakers or security assistants, Operators receive not only the video signal but also the audio, which gives them a more complete understanding of the situation. It also allows them to ask follow-up questions or engage in conversation to clarify the situation and respond appropriately.

This enhanced context provided by unified audio creates a collaborative environment to strengthen an organization's security. Incorporating audio technology into modern security systems isn't just a nice feature, but will soon be as fundamental as video.

Simon St Jacques of GenetecSimon St Jacques

Product Group Manager at Genetec Security Center Sipelia




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By • 23 Apr, 2024
• Section: Alarms, Access control, Evacuation, Grandstands, Video surveillance