Dallmeier Panomera in Pavia

With its multifocal technology, the cameras Panomera of Dallmeier have replaced conventional single-sensor ones. In addition to easier handling and a better overview, The new solution is also more economical, as less equipment is required for the same surface area.

In the historic city of Pavia, in the heart of Lombardy, Historic buildings are equipped with state-of-the-art video technology. Cameras with Dallmeier Panomera multifocal sensor they are used to provide an overview of the popular Piazza della Vittoria and to protect locals and tourists from vandalism and crime.

The Italian city of Pavia is not only one of the oldest, but also one of the most beautiful in Lombardy. Located a few minutes from 35 kilometers south of Milan, the picturesque location on the banks of the Ticino River, Its historic center with numerous narrow streets and its important churches and buildings attract numerous travelers from all over the world every year. The heart of the city beats in the Victory Square (Piazza della Vittoria), Not far from the cathedral: lugareños y turistas se reúnen para tomar un café y por las noches es un lugar lleno de vida nocturna y eventos.

Dallmeier Panomera in Pavia

But, Like so many other cities, Pavia also struggles with the dark side of such a lively square. There have been incidents of vandalism and delinquency. “Unfortunately, There are more and more problems with people who don't respect the rules”, explains Pietro Trivi, Councillor for Security.

In the past, The city tried to control the situation with a large number of conventional single-sensor cameras. But the image quality wasn't good enough to recognize or even identify people. The safety managers looked for a new solution and found it in Dallmeier's multifocal sensor technology.

Dallmeier Italy, together with your partner Enet Solutions, He conducted an on-site demonstration that was immediately convincing. “The image quality throughout the area was simply stunning”, Luca Ceriani said, Sales Director of Enet Solutions. Meanwhile, the numerous single-sensor cameras have been replaced by just two Panomera multifocal cameras.

They differ from other cameras because of their patented technology. Several sensors with different focal lengths are combined in a single system. Whereas with conventional cameras, the resolution of the image decreases towards the background of the image, the Panomera series, To Combine sensors and lenses with different focal lengths, Always captures a very large area with the minimum resolution precisely defined in the planning.

Dallmeier Panomera in Pavia

High-resolution images day and night

The two Panomera cameras have been installed on two opposite sides of the Plaza de la Victoria. In this way, The police at their headquarters, Where the video system works, You can keep an eye on the situation in this busy area at all times.

“The two cameras provide high-resolution images at any time of the day or night. In the event of an investigation or the presentation of evidence before a court, This ensures clear identification of potential perpetrators. In addition, The system is much easier and less complicated to operate than before”, explains Flaviano Crocco, Commander of the Local Police.

In practice, The technology of Multifocal Sensors It offers many advantages. For the user, for citizens and tourists and for the city as a whole, As he explains Daniele Sisinio, Director of Dallmeier Italy.

Dallmeier Panomera in Pavia

“The police always have an overview of the entire square and, at the same time, Various detailed views can be displayed in high resolution. Los zooms de detalle pueden abrirse fácilmente con un clic del ratón en la imagen global como cámaras PTZ virtuales, both live and on record. This means that any number of operators can view the images at the same time. And everything is always recorded at the highest resolution. Incidents can be tracked and reconstructed for use in court, and the perpetrators can be identified”.

In addition to easier handling and a better overview, The new solution is also more economical. With only two cameras instead of ten, Operating and infrastructure costs are significantly lower.

And there was another aspect that was important to the security officials of the city of Pavia: the two Panomera cameras: They blend in unobtrusively and disturb the aesthetics of the square much less than the many single-sensor cameras that were there before.

Dallmeier's video system has proven itself in practice. So well that the next expansions are already being planned. The Piazza del Duomo, The one in front of the city's monument, it will also be protected in the future with Panomera cameras.


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By • 14 Sea, 2024
• Section: Case studies, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security, Video surveillance