Teledyne Flir FC Series with AI

This solution Teledyne Flir Combines Deep Neural Networks (DNN) and motion-based analytics. A camera designed with IP66 and IP67 weatherproof and IK10 vandal proof ratings.

Teledyne Flir FC-AI Series is the latest model in the range of fixed cameras of this brand that is part of Teledyne Technologies Incorporated. It is a Thermal Safety that incorporates artificial intelligence analytics and accurately classifies people and vehicles, for the early detection of intrusions into the Perimeter Protection and Remote Site Monitoring.

With video analytics, that combine deep neural networks (DNN) and motion-based analytics, The FC AI series offers intrusion detection that allows users to expand situational awareness and make more informed decisions , This increases safety and improves coordination and efficiency.

The FC AI Series Camera, which includes a high-quality thermal sensor and resolution of 640×512 pixels, Create images based on the heat emitted by people and objects, instead of relying solely on visible light.

The thermal imaging camera supports a thermal sensitivity of <25 milliKelvin (Mk), One of the best noise-equivalent temperature difference values (NETD), This allows the sensor to outperform other thermal cameras whose visibility and detection rates decrease under adverse conditions.

With eight high-performance lenses ranging from a field of view of 8.6×6.6 degrees to 90×69 degrees, The FC-Series AI allows security operators to see and detect intruders, even in conditions of total darkness, Rain, Fog and smoke.

The FC Series AI also combines motion-based video analytics and DNN for reliable detection, allowing security managers to differentiate between true threats and nuisance alarms.

Using Fhir's library of thousands of thermal images, DNN analysis is trained to classify objects in real-world situations where people or vehicles may be slightly obscured or difficult to identify, or if an intruder tries to trick the system.

The AI of the FC series also offers target geolocation and precise transfer capabilities to a horizontal movement device, Portrait and zoom for faster target tracking.

Designed to maximize the performance of new and existing multi-layered physical security systems, FC-Series AI camera integrates with Flir UVMS, as well as with other third-party video management systems, and is compatible with the Flir Nexus software.

As an NDAA-compliant device, The FC-Series AI camera offers security professionals extensive cyber protection and peace of mind. With IP66 and IP67 weatherproof and IK10 vandal proof ratings, the FC-Series AI provides a durable housing.

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By • 4 Jan, 2024
• Section: Alarms, Systems control, Detection, Intrusion, Video surveillance