Narita Motorola Solutions Airport

The Wave PTX system from Motorola Solutions has expanded the reach and capacity of this airport facility's mission-critical Tetra communications network, one of the busiest cities for passengers and cargo in Japan.

With the aim of reinforcing the security of its multiple operations, The Narita International Airport has deployed the broadband communication service Wave PTX of Motorola Solutions, which depends on the Tetra digital radio system and devices ST7000 from this manufacturer.

Motorola Solutions Wave PTXThis reliable and robust solution allows staff toCoordinate and protect critical services of this airport, one of the countries with the highest passenger and cargo traffic in the country. Wave PTX supports Instant and interoperable communication through different land mobile radio devices and networks, LTE & 5G, including smartphones, Radios & Computers.

This system allows flexible communications across networks and devices to Strengthen the security of all operations of the installation, Connecting the airport with external partners, including emergency services, video surveillance companies and other providers.

As he explains Joe Tse, Motorola Solutions Sales Director for North Asia, "Narita Airport's Tetra communication system provides reliable performance for more than 5.000 users and supports coordinated transport of around 85.000 Passengers every day. Wave PTX is enhancing collaboration between this facility and Japan's public safety agencies, strengthening safety and productivity".

The deployment of Wave PTX at Narita Airport follows the expansion of its mission-critical Tetra communications system at five major airport facilities in Japan to improve coordination and service delivery between critical functions and security operations.

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By • 4 Jan, 2024
• Section: Case studies, Communications, Systems control, Networks, Services