Optex training center Madrid

In order to provide a closer service to its partners and customers in the Iberian Peninsula, The Sensor Manufacturer Optex In this space, it offers a personalized experience of all its security solutions.

The new training centre in Madrid de Madrid Optex It aims to be a Meeting & Knowledge Space to support their partners and customers in Spain and Portugal, for which it has a Innovation Zone for live product demonstrations and interactive training.

Optex training center MadridOptex also offers certified training and training for its customers at this new center. LiDAR technology, with its range of RedScan sensors, For System Integrators, Security Consultants & Installers.

The Optex centre in Madrid is supported by Milton Acosta, Regional Sales Manager for Iberia, and Nikitas Koutsourais, Pre-sales & Support Consultant for Western Europe.

"Iberia represents a hugely important market for us," he says Masaya Kida, Managing Director, Optex EMEA-. And these new facilities allow us to better support our customers and partners, as well as having a space to publicize our technologies with demonstrations and training".

As a developer of sensing technologies, "Optex is constantly analyzing the market for Identify new trends; probe, Educating and listening to our customers and partners is a key part of this process.", concludes Kida.

The new training centre adds to the existing network of Optex offices in the EMEA region, where they are already in operation in the Netherlands, France, Poland, Germany, United Kingdom, as well as one in South Africa.

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By • 27 Nov, 2023
• Section: Detection, Training, Business, Services