I-PRO Active Guard

The version 1.7 of the Forensic Search and Alert Platform i-PRO offers ALPR and MMC data, along with any other AI attributes. Features sophisticated edge processing and real-time watchlist notification

i-PRO You've updated your tool Active Guard and has added support for automatic license plate recognition (Alpr) Vaxtor and vehicle identification by brand, model and color (MMC).

Vaxtor software has been tuned to run at the edge when installed inside i-PRO AI-enabled cameras, providing the same level of performance normally associated with high-end PC processor architectures.

i-PRO Active Guard v1.7 delivers data ALPR & MMC, along with any other AI-based attributes, in video management systems (Vms) Popular, Providing a unified experience for operators.

With i-PRO's data-driven forensic search and alert platform, Security officers no longer need to spend time staring at multiple screens for people or vehicles of interest or watching hours of recorded video to search for important events.

Operators can register specific characteristics on their watchlists (For example, Red Toyota Hilux) and the Vms It will send a real-time alarm whenever a match is identified, An i-PRO Exclusive Feature. This improves real-time situational awareness and enables proactive safety.

The same process can be configured for rapid extraction of event data during forensic investigations. With its high recognition rates, The solution is ideal for a variety of applications, including urban surveillance, parking, access control, Security, Law Enforcement and Intelligent Transportation Systems.

“The latest version of Active Guard demonstrates our commitment to an open platform approach, as Vaxtor is the first third-party scan hosted within the app itself”, Says Philippe Henaine, Director of Strategic Partners, i-PRO EMEA. “It's a big step in the evolution that allows developers at the edge to connect to market-leading VMS effortlessly within a single user interface”

The plugin integrates AI analytics into a VMS, like Genetec, Milestone or Video Insight, and appears as an additional feature tab within the user interface.

By not requiring an additional LPR server, allows users to manage AI-based analytics from multiple i-PRO cameras and configure sophisticated search parameters based on the industry's largest number of search attributes, including unique features such as clothing and footwear. Color, Sex, Age, Bag color and now vehicle, maker, model, Color, Registration, Travel Direction & More.

"Active Guard is the bridge between the edge and the VMS. Our add-on ensures that 98 object attributes can be searched directly from the VMS of our cameras". Adam Lowenstein explains, Product Manager, i-PRO Americas.

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By • 6 Oct, 2023
• Section: Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Video surveillance