Hikvision USEC Bilbao Congress2023

The security system of Hikvision Installed in the shopping mall Vialia Vigo Station, as well as participation in the round table on mobility management are some of the proposals that can be seen from today at this congress held in Bilbao.

The second edition of USEC Bilbao Congress, that today opens its doors to the 21 September in Azkuna Zentroa, has been the event chosen by Hikvision to showcase its latest mobility solutions for urban centres, In addition, the participation of Raul Lopez, ITS business develop manager of the company, at the Round Table Mobility management in large population centres.

Hikvision Mobility"Mobility and transport models are constantly evolving and, As the number of cars is growing, increases the complexity of our already overburdened urban traffic systems," explains López. Municipal authorities around the world are taking an interest in new smart technologies to make citizens' journeys faster and safer.".

The product portfolio and Video Security Solutions by Hikvision, says this person in charge, "It's spectacular; From high-performance dedicated cameras for event capture to centralized video management platforms and end-to-end smart parking systems. Our ITS solutions seamlessly integrate all devices and offer scalable applications to cover any possible scenario in the field of urban transport.".

Hikvision in Vialia Vigo

Raúl López will explain in his presentation at USEC 2023 The functionalities of the End-to-end management platform for the different components of mobility and citizen security within the urban environment, "which has proven to be a powerful management tool focused on quick and effective decision-making by the Police and city councils".

Tomorrow, 21 September, Be Jose Antonio Torralba, regional sales manager at Hikvision, who will speak at the congress with the Ports 4.0: Digitalization through smart solutions, in which it will analyse this type of facility that uses advanced technology to improve both its operations and its comprehensive security and offer more efficient services.

Hikvision in Vialia VigoUSEC Bilbao is a unique event due to its transversal congress and exhibition format, in which professionals in the security sectors, Mobility and emergencies share a meeting space in which to share experiences.

A relevant part of the event are the USEC awards, that in its edition 2023 has recognized the Vialia Estación de Vigo shopping center with the prize Cooperation in public security services, Private security services, emergencies and/or mobility.

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By • 20 Sep, 2023
• Section: Case studies, Events, Training, Business, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance