LDA Audiotech on Flipkart

The facilities of the Indian e-commerce company Flipkpart have an EN54 public address and voice alarm system LDA Audio Tech, which includes 26 Voice Evacuation Areas, 55 Pendant speakers, One hundred of ceiling and more than 1.200 wall.

Flipkart It is one of the largest Indian e-commerce companies, with different locations in India and Singapore. Its warehouse in Kolkata is one of the largest in the sector and has a EN54 public address and voice alarm system by LDA Audio Tech. The facility has 26 Voice Evacuation Areas, 55 Pendant speakers, One hundred of ceiling and more than 1.200 wall.

The building has a touchscreen warning console and uses the control software platform, Configuration & Management LDA SIME to manage the entire system from the security room.

SIME is a web services-based application, so it does not require a license installation on the client. Allows centralized control of the system, Volume Management, Routing audio sources or pre-recorded messages to desired zones or set of zones, Management of emergency functions and system profiles.

Among the features it offers are the intuitive and simple control of the entire system, Distribution of audio content on the network, Cross-platform access from anywhere, Access Control & Security, and integration with third-party technologies through standard protocols.

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By • 27 Jul, 2023
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Evacuation