Axis at Hospital Clinic Maresme

Speakers have been installed Axis C1410 on four of the floors of the hospital, with which they have achieved a reliable system that allows emergency situations to be disseminated quickly, efficient and easy.

Axis at Hospital Clinic MaresmeThe Hospital Clínic Maresme of Mataró equips its plants with Axis loudspeakers that warn when a patient goes into cardiac arrest. This solution seeks to shorten the reaction time for resuscitation.

Loudspeakers have been installed on four of the hospital's floors Axis C1410, A device that replaces traditional mobile terminals, that had ceased to be efficient due to various human factors (forgot device, Low battery, Limited signal, Unanswered Calls, Etc.). This model allows communications to be transmitted and enables two-way conversations.

Thanks to this solution, Healthcare workers can count on a reliable system that allows alarming situations to be disseminated quickly, efficient and easy. In addition, as these have been installed at strategic points of the hospital, The message reaches a greater number of nurses and doctors, which shortens the intervention time.

Axis at Hospital Clinic MaresmeFrom the installation of the devices, the health workers of the Hospital Clínic Maresme have been able to, in addition to notifying more quickly of the location of those patients who were suffering cardiac arrests, Contact -with scheduled or live recorded messages- directly with specific floors or rooms and have conversations with the staff of the center.

This is possible thanks to the connection of the loudspeaker to the hospital's IP network and the use of extension codes depending on the area to which the message is to be transmitted. In addition, if necessary, These devices also make it possible to announce messages in waiting rooms with relevant information for patients.

Axis at Hospital Clinic MaresmeThrough the app Axis Audio Manager Edge, Pre-installed on all of the company's audio devices, The system can be managed through any standard web browser, either locally or remotely. This provides the hospital with easy content management, allowing you to mix the types of communications to meet different needs.

There is also the possibility of prioritizing the content received so that live voice messages always have priority, ensuring that vital information, such as emergency and pager announcements, always surrender promptly.

As he explains José Luis Hoces, Technical Advisor ElectroTEL, company specialized in offering integrated and complete telecommunications solutions for companies, "given the specific needs of the Hospital Clínic Maresme, we have chosen Axis loudspeakers as they are practically the only ones on the market that have an IP network with open standards, which means that they can be easily integrated into the company's own telephone solutions and pre-existing management software".

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By • 17 Jul, 2023
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Communications, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Evacuation