Hikvision in Puerto de Huelva

The installation you developed Hikvision consists of almost 200 Cameras, that combine thermal and visual technology, and provide perimeter security, Video surveillance, Access control and support in ship traffic management.

Hikvision has equipped the Port of Huelva With intelligent video technology that guarantees the security of the enclosure and facilitates the control operation of large ships.

The installation that Hikvision has developed, coordinated by the Magal integrator, consists of almost 200 Cameras of different types that provide complete visual control of the perimeter and interior of the port, through the combination of thermal technology and conventional vision cameras; A vessel detection system (positions them at 12 kilometers and identifies them at three kilometers); and access and exit control through cameras with license plate recognition.

All installed subsystems are managed in a unified way through the tool Hikcentral, which is what gives full convergence to the project.

"All camera technology is Hikvision's own", Explains Juan de la Pedraja, responsible for the critical infrastructure vertical of Hikvision Iberia. " Our system provides security in the enclosure, access control, ship detection... And all integrated under one management tool: Hikcentral. It's a very complete project."

From the Port of Huelva itself, recognize that this management and safety system was a necessity.

"It is the largest in Spain and we needed a robust system, Flexible and efficient. The one we have installed has given us security and ease of operation", Ensures Manuel Francisco Martinez Torres, Head of the Department of Technology and Information Systems.

Jose Manuel Alcazar, commercial director of Magal, corroborates the difficulty of the project and the success of its implementation. "They are 10 kilometers of high security fencing and almost 200 Cameras that monitor every inch of the port. The integration has been very demanding and having Hikvision has been fundamental".

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By • 3 Jul, 2023
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Systems control, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Video surveillance