STI Card Virdi WorkMeter

The technological integration carried out by WorkMeter With STI Card And Virdi extends the multi-device versatility of PC and mobile applications to the use of multimodal biometric terminals.

STI Card, exclusivist in Spain and Portugal of biometric technology for access control and presence of Virdi (South Korea) And WorkMeter, Company specialized in productivity measurement systems, have joined forces to offer the market "a Pioneering solution for the registration of the working day".

WorkMeterThanks to this alliance, Workmeter users can use a wide variety of Biometric Registration multimodal, Including Facial and iris recognition, fingerprint, numerical key or RFID media. To which is added the possibility of using the system of registration of working hours from PC or mobile apps Current.

As you point out Antonio Lopez, CEO of STI Card, "Working with leading companies, aware of the needs of companies in terms of signing, It allows us to expand our commercial offer, Based on tailor-made solutions, with the peace of mind of being in expert hands and having very powerful tools such as Workmeter”.

For its part, Joan Pons, CEO of WorkMeter, explains that "this alliance with Virdi and STI Card will take our services and solutions to another level, since it means expanding the spectrum of alternatives that we offer to our clients to make their signings and access controls. Biometric solutions fit perfectly with our technology to create a unique system in the market".

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By • 15 May, 2023
• Section: Access control, Systems control, Business