Axis Body Worn Live

The Body Worn Live system from Axis Communications Facilitates live streaming of video data, Audio and metadata from the manufacturer's body cameras, which helps operators make more effective decisions.

Users who wear the Axis body cameras They can now simultaneously activate video transmission and real-time recording thanks to the new system Body Worn Live company.

As a result,, The operator can receive a notification in his management system to see the GPS location data and make a Real-time tracking in the cloud application. It also alerts the person wearing the body camera when the operator starts monitoring..

Axis Body Worn Live also allows Assign permissions based on roles assigned to safeguard data integrity, while the transmission is protected with End-to-end encryption, with conservation and access to information for twenty-four hours since, thanks to buffering, will not be lost even if the transmission drops temporarily.

Another advantage is that Body Worn Live works in a independent of the video management system (Vms) or tests you use. The data flow can be consulted on computers or mobile devices, as well as being sent to one or more people.

Body cameras connect via pre-configured Wi-Fi network. Axis Body Worn Live runs on the Microsoft Azure; is GDPR compliant and updated with the latest software versions.

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By • 4 May, 2023
• Section: Communications, Systems control, Urban security, Services, Video surveillance