Globalsist new city Betis

AI-powered analytics, Globalsist deploy fire protection systems, Video surveillance, access control, Intercom, Intrusion detection and public address system in the new space of the Seville football club.

Located in the Sevillian town of Dos Hermanas, The new sports city of the Real Betis Balompié, with a surface area of 56 Hectares, has awarded the specialist Globalsist the contract to design the security systems, the first phase of deployment is expected to be completed this year.

Globalsist's action will consist of, on the one hand, in the implementation of security systems, composed of a system of Video surveillance (Cctv), System Anti-intrusion and access control to the venue. These systems will incorporate Analysis capabilities by means of the technology of artificial intelligence (The), which will facilitate control and protection tasks.

Specifically,, The venue will have about One hundred video surveillance cameras that will cover the outer part along the entire perimeter of the training ground, Creating edge control with video analytics, as well as in areas of special interest such as the three access controls, Parking, the lagoon area and the stands and accesses to technical rooms and changing rooms.

The video surveillance system has Centralized recording. In addition, presence detectors will be implemented, As dual-technology volumetric devices and magnetic contacts, which will activate an alarm in the event of the appearance of intruders in areas of restricted access to athletes and club employees.

Access control systems will have dual technology, With Mifare proximity cards And Biometrics. The pedestrian crossing will consist of a battery of Lathes to facilitate access for fans and visitors, who will also have a QR code.

Access through the facility's car park will also be governed by the aforementioned double technology, the user being the one who chooses the one that is most comfortable for them.

Additionally, The Fire detection and extinguishing systems of the main buildings that the sports city has, that facilitate the early identification of a fire outbreak and the activation of alerts through technology and the Public address system and sirens.

These systems will be deployed in the multifunctional building, Professional Area (Locker rooms) and quarry area (Locker rooms). An extinguishing system will also be installed in the aforementioned areas and other additional points, such as the accesses to the venue, as well as signage appropriate to the RIPCI regulations, thus ensuring the normative quality standard.

"With this award, The entrepreneur's company Manuel Torreblanca Consolidates itself as one of the leading companies in fire safety and protection, in this case with a cutting-edge project in the world of sport, and continues with its sustained growth for three years now", says the Globalsist statement.

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By • 3 May, 2023
• Section: Case studies, Access control, HIGHLIGHTED CASE STUDY, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Intrusion, Urban security, Video surveillance