Hikvision and Derichebourg recycling industry

To control risks and problems of waste processing and recycling facilities, Derichebourg Technologies has relied on thermal detection technology from Hikvision to deploy innovative solutions.

Fire hazards in Waste processing and recycling increase by the flammable and potentially explosive nature of some waste materials, like lithium batteries, aerosols or electrical materials. To alert about possible outbreaks of fires, The thermal imaging associated with advanced analysis of Hikvision have proven their worth in these applications.

Whether they are triggered by chemical waste, electrical components or by malicious acts or human negligence, Fires in the recycling industry have serious consequences that can call into question the continuation of the activity.

Fires are often extremely difficult to contain, and sometimes the nature of the burned materials is unknown.… This has serious consequences for the health of the population., and major risks to the environment.

Hikvision and Derichebourg recycling industry

To control these risks and problems, Derichebourg Technologies has relied on Hikvision's thermal sensing technology to implement innovative solutions at high-risk sites that detect temperature increases and, therefore, A possible fire outbreak. These alerts are processed in the same way as fire alarms by the operators of the remote monitoring station approved by APSAD P5.

To ensure temperature rises can be detected at customer sites before they result in uncontrollable fire outbreaks, the company decided to implement an innovative thermal imaging solution from Hikvision.

The solution, that was installed by the security specialist Visio Control, includes the PTZ dome camera Hikvision's Dual Spectrum (DS-2TD4137T-9/W). This is mounted on a high mast, enabling 360° visibility and real-time detection of temperature rise across the site.

Hikvision and Derichebourg recycling industry

Thermal cameras are an important asset whenever there is a risk of a fire starting outside.. They have a very wide field of view and can detect temperature increases at entire sites.

If the surface temperature of an object increases in the thermal spectrum (I mean, gets hotter), The camera triggers an alert for the security operator and site administrator in real time. Later, The alarm can be confirmed immediately based on the high-quality video streams transmitted from the camera to the alarm reception center, that show the safety operator nature, Exact location and size of the fire.

With Hikvision's thermal imaging solution, Derichebourg Technologies minimizes the risk of fire outbreaks. The company increases its operational efficiency, with less need for on-site human patrols.

Based on deep learning technology, Hikvision's solution adapts to site-specific conditions. This reduces false alarms and contributes to detection accuracy of up to 98 %, which increases the efficiency of operators handling alarms.

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By • 16 Sea, 2023
• Section: Alarms, Case studies, Detection, Video surveillance