Telefonica drones 5G Malaga

The Port Authority and the Local Police of Malaga have collaborated with Telephone in its development and execution. Its main focus of use is the improvement of security through images, captured in real time, In spaces where there are no fixed cameras or no visibility.

Telefónica R&D and Telefonica Ingeniería y Seguridad (Tis), in collaboration with the Port Authority and the Local Police of Malaga, has made two drone flights for video streaming on a private 5G network.

With this test, Telefónica I+D has shown that the 5G private network Enables real-time streaming of high-quality, high-definition videos using the bandwidth available with this new technology. It has also highlighted that this transmission is more secure and efficient because it is carried out through a private network and uses Edge Computing To store the generated videos.

For this proof of concept, a private 5G network has been deployed in the port of Malaga and in Calle Larios, and a non-standalone 5G core solution based on software by the University of Malaga (UMA), institution that also participates in the 5G pilot project of Andalusia.

Through network sharing technology RANSharing MOCN, Telefónica Móviles' commercial 4G/5G technology antennas in the area have been used to provide coverage, simultaneously, both to the commercial network of Movistar and to the private network, through a different network indicator (PLMN).

The drone has been piloted by Telefonica Ingeniería y Seguridad personnel (Tis), specifically a DJI Matrice 300 RTK. The drone control has been connected to a backpack provided with a 5G module that has allowed to generate a video stream that can be seen in real time and stored on a video platform developed by Telefonica I+D for this experience.

The port of Malaga has made a reconnaissance flight around the port and with different camera approaches, while the police of Malaga has selected Calle Larios as a point of interest to test the capabilities of the drone and the quality of the video generated. The tests have attended, in addition to the Port Authority and members of the Local Police, members of the National Police and the Civil Guard, showing interest in the potential uses of the combination of drones, 5G private networks and video analytics.


Improved security

The main focus of the use case, both for the Local Police and for the Port Authority, is the improvement of security, with real-time images in spaces where there are no fixed cameras or where they do not have visibility.

It also offers the possibility to track certain operations that are considered sensitive, for security or other reasons, such as the transport of dangerous goods, Tracking suspicious vehicles, Etc.

At last, with the use of video analytics, You can take advantage of the panoramic shot and the flexibility generated by the use of a drone to count people, of vehicles, o control of agglomerations among other things.

This activity is framed in the context of the project "Pilots 5G Andalusia" (C012/19-SP) led by Telefónica I+D in collaboration with the Local Police of Malaga and the Port Authority of Malaga, and driven by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through and co-financed with ERDF funds.

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By • 28 Nov, 2022
• Section: Networks, Urban security