MRA Group CEFA Scati Moontech

The integration of autonomous vehicles Moontech with the monitoring of the cameras of Scati allows MRA to improve efficiency in its process and safety in the industrial plant.

MRA (Ribera Alta Modules), company of the CEFA Group, dedicated to the manufacture of components for the automotive sector, in whose plant in Figueruelas (Saragossa) The dashboards and doors of important vehicle brands are manufactured.

As part of the industrial transformation carried out in recent years, The company has introduced new process lines and an internal logistics automation system through AGV (Automated guided vehicles).

MRA Group CEFA Scati MoontechAfter incorporating its first autonomous vehicle a year ago with the aim of improving efficiency and optimizing its processes, The company currently has twenty-eight that are continuously monitored and controlled., What not only allows to improve efficiency and safety, but to reduce accidents.

The implementation of these AGVs has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the company Moontech, Dedicated to software development and systems integration. These autonomous vehicles are capable of moving 100 Kg a 25 TN, moving through a magnetic circuit that runs through the floor of all facilities, being part of the production process.

MRA Group CEFA Scati Moontech

As part of the project and given that these autonomous vehicles are in a hostile environment, The company has introduced and integrated Scati video surveillance systems, which allows to determine any incident that occurs in the plant, locating in the videowall of the control room the moment of the same, visualizing the images in real time and the location of the same.

The incorporation of Analytical in Scati systems helps in processes and prevents accidents in the plant, Controlling the line passed or intrusion, an abandoned object, a material is misplaced, as well as the verification of loading and unloading points of vehicles.

As he explains Felix Moreno, MRA production manager, "The InIncorporation of these autonomous vehicles (AGV) with industrial vision allows MRA to position itself at the forefront of technology in the automotive sector, Optimizing the efficiency and safety of your processes Handling".

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By • 16 Nov, 2022
• Section: Case studies, Systems control, Services, Video surveillance