Dallmeier Domera

From the economical series 5000 E to the high-end Domera 6400 And 6800 with AI, Dallmeier announces that the entire family of single-sensor cameras is available, No provisioning issues for installers and channel partners.

Any of the seven product groups in the family Domera of Dallmeier can be requested immediately, No supply problems, and have them in a few days, As reported by the manufacturer.

According to their estimates, with waiting times of up to nine months, Poor supply capacity, in particular single-sensor cameras, is currently causing great problems for many Channel Partners & Installers, while the recently introduced Domera family of products is not affected by delivery delays.

Dallmeier Domera

The six groups of models of dome cameras Domera, as well as the Fisheye System "They meet the requirements of more than 90% of all possible application scenarios for single-sensor video cameras., thanks to its innovative and modular concept and design".

The classics Box cameras They are also replaced by dome housings, that offer new advantages thanks to their design, Like spider defense. As stated from the manufacturer, "From the series 5000 And low cost, to high-end models 6400 And 6800, the Domera camera family covers the full price range in high-quality B2B video technology".

Given the special features, such as three-axis adjustment Dallmeier Remote Positioning Dome (RPoD) which is remotely controlled or mounted with a single Allen key size, Installers save time and money during deployment, Commissioning and maintenance.

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By • 27 Oct, 2022
• Section: Business, Services, Video surveillance