TMB video surveillance on buses

The project foresees the installation of more than 4.500 video surveillance cameras inside the buses of the TMB. Each vehicle will have between 2 And 7 Cameras.

TMB video surveillance on busesAfter a pilot test, 170 buses of the network of Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona (TMB) have the new video surveillance cameras that allow recording in real time in order to improve the security of the passage.

The goal is that before the end of the 2023, the entire bus fleet has this safety infrastructure integrated by 4.500 Cameras. In each vehicle will be installed between 2 And 7 cameras depending on the type of bus, so that all the spaces inside can be recorded.

To carry out the pilot test the cameras have been installed in 10 Bus. From the Bus Security Control Center. The images of these equipment can be viewed in real time and download any of the recordings that are saved a maximum of 30 Days, as established by law.

The president of TMB, Laia Bonet , has stated that this new system will make the bus “A safer space” and supposes “Continue with zero tolerance for attacks on public transport “. In addition, He highlighted the technological innovation that this system entails and that will allow “Improve collaboration with law enforcement when needed”.

With this new system we want to reinforce safety for both driving personnel and passengers. It seeks to deter or have evidence to report possible crimes (Aggressions, harassment, Theft, accidents…). Also, the cameras will contribute to the analysis of employment levels to improve the service.

This infrastructure has already been implemented in the metro network. TMB has 2.908 cameras inside the trains and there are installed 5.576 cameras in the stations.

TMB with GMV video surveillance on buses

Information system

This facility is part of the tender contract awarded to the company Grupo Mecánica del Vuelo Sistemas SAU (Gmv) for the installation of information and video surveillance systems on board with the aim of renewing the current information system.

The whole project has a budget of 12 million euros and has funds from the NextGenerationEU Plan included in the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility to boost economies and recover from the consequences of the pandemic.

GMV will supply the buses with a multipurpose on-board CPU on which the user information and video surveillance systems will run.. In addition, include the necessary network architecture and a new energy management system that will govern the on/off of on-board equipment.

With regard to the user information system, supply for 1.119 buses, widescreen screens in 29 And 21 inches with built-in CPU, that will allow to offer the traveler accurate and real-time information of the service. Blind people will also be able to know that their bus is about to arrive, thanks to amplifiers, ambient microphones and receiver controls that allow you to activate this auditory information.

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By • 13 Sep, 2022
• Section: Case studies, Systems control, Video surveillance