Hikvision MinMoe and HPC with Page Automation SmarTTime

With the incorporation, through HPC ISAPI and OpenAPI protocols, SmarTTime provides human resources information to MinMoe terminals Hikvision.

Hikvision has announced the integration of its facial recognition terminals MinMoe and the online device and service management platform Hik-ProConnect (HPC) with the software SmarTTime of Page Automation, for access and attendance control in the workplace.

With integration enabled through protocols ISAPI of Hikvision and OpenAPI HPC, SmarTTime provides human resources information to Hikvision's MinMoe terminals, so that time and attendance information during the working day is processed from any MinMoe device.

Integrated solution enables intelligent tracking of employee time and attendance, Manage shifts and free time, Organize and modify schedules, Establishes company rules and identifies potential problems of overstaffing or understaffing.

Employees enjoy real-time flexibility when signing in from anywhere, having at your fingertips the 24 hours of the day control of your schedule and attendance during the workday thanks to mobile solutions from both SmartTime and HikPro-Connect.

For its part, Administrators can improve the management of the free time module, Customize tasks and control workflows and free time. The system, In addition, integrates with the Human Resources department (HR) helping to manage payroll and calculating salary costs in real time.

“As a cloud-based access and attendance control provider, our integration with Hikvision MinMoe devices and Hik-ProConnect platform provides real-time service and high availability. Reliable hardware, Fast deployment and great support are the main ingredients “, Explained Francois Geyser, Page Automation Sales Director.

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By • 25 Jul, 2022
• Section: Access control, Detection, Business