Toshiba Visiotech S300

The signing of this agreement allows Visiotech market high-performance hard drives of Toshiba to support the storage of video surveillance images, whose demand grows annually by 20% in Europe.

The Spanish wholesaler Visiotech, specialized in CCTV systems, Intrusion, access and presence control, Etc; now incorporates to its commercial offer the series of hard drives of high performance and reliability S300 And S300 Pro of Toshiba, to store video surveillance images safely and with high quality.

"We are very pleased with the signing of this agreement with Visiotech," he said. Larry Martinez-Palomo, Vp. of Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH and Managing Director of the Storage Products Division-, that will contribute to expanding our S300 product series, specifically designed to meet storage requirements for video surveillance".

Toshiba and Visiotech AgreementAs this manager emphasizes, "the use of video surveillance solutions does not stop growing, in both the public and private environments, and we appreciate Visiotech's trust in meeting that demand with proven solutions, that offer unique levels of performance, quality and reliability".

Based in Madrid, Visiotech has a workforce of more than two hundred employees and operates in 63 Countries. Within Europe, the company has a specific weight in the South zone, specifically in Spain, Italy, France and Portugal. Both companies agree that the signing of this agreement is a great opportunity to respond to the demand of this market, as well as to boost their innovation.

for Alberto Zamorano Sáiz, Visiotech Sales and Marketing Director, "together with personalized attention to customers, our work philosophy is distinguished by the commitment to continuous expansion of our catalog, with proven and quality products such as Toshiba storage technology".

Toshiba Visiotech S300Specifically,, Zamorano affirms that "storage solutions for video surveillance must have differential characteristics, as a long service life, high resilience and performance, maximum reliability, strength and compatibility, and Toshiba HDDs are a guarantee of compliance with these requirements".

The hard drives of the series S300 Toshiba for video surveillance are available with 1TB capacities, 2Tb, 4TB and 6TB, incorporate a buffering 256 Mb and meet the requirements of surveillance systems with up to 64 Sequences, especially suitable for small and medium-sized organizations.

For its part, the units of the series S300 Pro, With 6TB capacities, 8TB and 10TB and a buffer size of up to 256 Mb, are suitable for professional systems that require up to 64 HD camera sequences, video analysis, facial tracking and editing features.

Visiotech has already started to market both types of units on the market, both independently and installed in digital video recorders (Dvr).

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By • 13 Jul, 2022
• Section: Infrastructure, Business, Services