Schneider Electric SpaceLogic Insight-SensorWith six functions in one, SpaceLogic Insight-Sensor Scheneider Electric provides real-time information on the occupancy of a space and other systems to create a healthy and safe personalized environment.

Sensors SpaceLogic Insight-Sensor are part of EcoStruxure Connected Room Solutions, a flexible and modular solution for connected rooms of Scheneider Electric which modernises the building's infrastructure with a IP backbone, integrating the control of systems such as lighting, air conditioning, indoor air and environmental quality and more.

This advanced zone sensor provides real-time information about the occupation of a space, with the exact number of people; as well as luminosity, sound noise, temperature and humidity to create custom environments that balance comfort and energy efficiency.

Unlike other solutions, Insight-Sensor does not use cameras or microphones, so it preserves the privacy of the occupants, and uses a technology of people count in real time. This allows ventilation to be activated on demand, saving energy and costs, depending on the density of the occupants.

"SpaceLogic Insight-Sensor brings value to both owners and building managers and suppliers," he says. Oscar Fernandez, digital buildings sales & marketing manager of Schneider Electric Iberia-. Boosts efficiency by optimizing energy use, and create people-centered environments that are comfortable, insurance, productive and healthy".

Features and benefits

  • People counting technology and real-time presence detection, no cameras.
  • Detection of light and sound levels, no microphones.
  • Advanced analytics for space optimization and maintenance.
  • Temperature and humidity measurement.
  • Immediate integration with the building management system (Bms).
  • Ability to integrate and connect with third-party Bluetooth-based applications.
  • Cybersecurity and privacy.

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By • 11 Jul, 2022
• Section: Systems control, Services