TP Link C320WS

The new smart camera for outdoor TP-Link has a night vision mode that provides a visual distance of up to 30 Meters, even in total darkness.

TP Link C320WSTP-Link Tap C320WS is the company's new outdoor security WiFi camera. Offers QHD 2K resolution (2.560×1.440), that records each image with a definition of 4MP and is able to show the most delicate details at any time of the day and weather situation.

This new intelligent outdoor camera has a night vision mode that provides a visual distance of up to 30 Meters, even in total darkness. In addition, one of its main novelties is the high-resolution Starlight sensor that, attached to the two integrated spotlights, provide a sharp image, quality and full color in situations of darkness.

Tapo C320WS allows you to program a standard motion detection or set a custom motion detection. The user can select 'Line Crossing Detection' to receive an alert whenever a person crosses it or 'Area Intrusion Detection' for more focused monitoring on custom activity zones around key areas. In all of them, the user will receive instant notifications when the camera detects movement.

TP Link C320WSIn addition, with the aim of deterring intruders, The Tapo C320WS camera integrates a siren with powerful sound and two light bulbs that can work in conjunction with the different motion detections.

People's needs evolve and Tapo C320WS does it with them. Its two-way audio allows direct communication, via a built-in microphone and speaker, with those people who visit us while we are not at home, as couriers or postmen, to tell them what to do with our order.

As for storage, allows you to save locally up to 256 4MP GB of video on a microSD card, offering anytime, anywhere access to your content.

To cope with the most adverse weather conditions, Tapo C320WS incorporates IP66 protection that provides resistance to weathering and physical abuse of it.

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By • 23 Jun, 2022
• Section: Video surveillance