By Demes Vaelsys DeepWall port area

To guarantee maximum security in a port area of Spain, Comprehensive Security covered the perimeter with CCTV cameras, some of them reinforced with video analytics Vaelsys DeepWall.

By Demes has provided the solution Vaelsys DeepWall to a port area in Spain to put an end to intrusions that occurred in the area, with the consequent loss of material.

Port areas present a complex situation and their problems focus on intrusions that can occur through the port or through uncontrolled areas of the border. In this sense, The costs and damages that could be caused are high.

This is a facility that requires the counting of people and vehicles that occurs constantly around the outside of the property, close to the port and adjacent to a major concessionaire in the area.

The Vaelsys DeepWall professional solution is developed for perimeter protection. Your technology Deep Learning Ensures fast and efficient processing, Ideal for the most complex problems. Thanks to artificial intelligence in HD, Offers an impassable system, Reduced false alarms and accurate detection. All of this together with CyberSecure powered by Linux.

It has three independent applied Artificial Intelligence systems. The first is WallNet, a Deep Learning system for the categorization of intrusions, that allows you to focus alarms on people, suspicious vehicles and/or objects. The second is SmartZone, that adapts the configuration for each zone to the specific conditions of each camera, reducing false alarms without compromising the detection of real intrusions. And, finally, the third is WaveCancel, that reduces the number of false alarms caused by vegetation thanks to Deep Learning technology.

The combination of both systems has provided a response to an environment, What is the port like?, in which numerous intrusions took place, with the consequent loss of material.

To ensure maximum safety, the company Integral Seguridad has covered the perimeter with a set of CCTV cameras, some of them bolstered with DeepWall video analytics. All connected with CRA, where all events arrive via the By Demes gateway to Manitou for the most optimal management possible.

The DeepWall Solution, with its configuration rules, It has been able to adapt to an installation with numerous problems, such as the number of people moving out of the facility, Strong wind in the area (with the consequent objects that sneak into the installation, the possible movement of cameras and/or staffs) o Constant changes in the detection scenario. In this way, high detection reliability is achieved by minimizing the number of false alarms.

Recently, It has been possible to detect the real intrusion of several people without any material damage thanks to the action of the Ceuta police and the On Security Group, the CRA behind the management in this case.

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By • 2 Jun, 2022
• Section: Case studies, Detection, Intrusion, Video surveillance