Protect2018The W101 Body Worn portable camera and the improvements achieved with the use of AI technology and the ARPTEC8 chip, are some of the novelties that Axis Communications will show at the security conference Protect 2022, which will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) of the 5 To 7 April.

With a multidisciplinary program, in which different areas of the security industry are represented, the contest Protect 2022, organized by the Portuguese Security Association (ApseiAssociação Portuguesa de Segurança), celebrates its seventh edition (the last one was in 2018) of the 5 To 7 of April in the Altice Arena – Sala Tejo lisbon.

Axis W101 Body WornIn this context, Axis Communications show your new products and solutions, some of them recently presented during their participation in ISC West 2022 in Las Vegas (Us.), whose common denominator is the improvements achieved with the use of artificial intelligence technology (The) and the chip ARPTEC8, which has become the core of the manufacturer's products, mainly from their IP cameras, as it provides the basis for improving image quality, analysis functions and coding performance.

One of the novelties is the new portable camera W101 Body Worn, offering location tracking, extremely sharp images in every frame and enhanced audio with noise suppression, with an autonomy of seventeen hours. In addition, Axis' team of experts will showcase its latest network audio solutions and integrated video management software to professionals Camera Station to manage cameras, Intercoms, audio and analytics.

Axis Communications' involvement in Protect 2022, "It will allow us to show our new products and strengthen the company's commercial presence in Portugal., a key country in the positioning strategy in the Iberian Peninsula", Underlines Bruno Azula, recently appointed sales manager for Spain and Portugal of Axis Communications (more details on Digital Security).

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By • 29 Sea, 2022
• Section: Events, Training, Business, Video surveillance