Hanwha Wisenet Road AI

The use of video analytics, with devices that incorporate artificial intelligence technology, assists in efforts to limit climate change, as Uri Guterman explains, director of product and marketing of Hanwha Techwin Europe.

We are at a turning point in the fight against climate change. Scientists have long sounded the alarm about the damage carbon emissions are causing to our planet., but now we are beginning to observe unprecedented widespread changes; some of which will be irreversible in hundreds or thousands of years.

The good news is that we still have time to limit climate change.. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations agency that assesses the science of climate change, notes that "... drastic and sustained reductions in carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and other greenhouse gases would limit climate change".

In addition to taking steps to reduce carbon emissions, it will also improve the quality of life for many people., by having higher quality air in their towns and cities. Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental health risks.

Hanwha Techwin AI deep learning

Video analytics and AI

To collaborate with a broader reduction in carbon emissions, business leaders and policymakers can invest in intelligent video-based solutions that minimize congestion and simplify commuting around cities and car parks.

simultaneously, the video analytics technology used to do this can help in the application of parking fees and road tolls, in the corresponding regulations, to increase safety and improve the driver experience.

Smart cameras, such as models Wisenet with AI, equip this technology within the device itself, making it possible to detect and classify different categories and models of vehicles, even distinguish bicycles from cars and trucks, For example.

Operators can thus manage certain vehicle traffic through one area and limit others.. So, trucks could be restricted from entering residential streets or any vehicles on roads near schools during check-in and check-out times, which would keep traffic flowing and protect vulnerable residents and children from exhaust fumes.

Similarly,, operators can monitor road use and redirect traffic to alternative routes when vehicle traffic is congested. AI can alert about possible traffic jams or traffic accidents, taking proactive steps to prevent congestion from worsening.

simultaneously, updates and traffic closures can be communicated to drivers via integrated digital displays located along the route.

Hanwha Techwin AI deep learning

Parking Solutions

When a vehicle arrives at its destination, video analytics technology can ensure a smoother driving and parking experience and, by extension, with fewer emissions.

Automatic license plate recognition (Anpr) it also fulfils a relevant function here, by automating access to a car park for vehicles previously authorised to enforce penalties for infringements and monitoring a site for dangerous driving.

Reducing the time it takes to wait for a barrier to be lifted or a receipt to be printed will add up, ultimately, through hundreds of vehicles entering and leaving a parking lot.

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At the same time, you can avoid incorrect parking lots that harm other vehicles and create congestion. ANPR can also help make vehicle traffic smoother, as in the case of facilities where you have to stop and then continue the march, such as road tolls.

On the other hand, serverless ANPR solutions work on-site to allow inputs and outputs, capture and transmit vehicle data without a server, very useful for car parks and small urbanizations.

Investing in this camera-based solution reduces the electricity consumption needed to run a server room (including air conditioning and other utilities to keep equipment running).

An on-premises server generates, on average, 916 Kg. of CO2 per year and 320 Kg. for manufacture in that period, which requires planting more than fifty trees each year in compensation, while similar profits can be made by investing in cameras that integrate AI.

Parking guidance devices with AI, like the camera TNF-9010 (more data in Digital Security), help drivers find available seats, reducing waits and gas generation.

Planning from data

Longer term, data generated by AI cameras can be used to improve the efficiency of roads and parking spaces, to detect the most common zones and routes and to extend or restrict access based on this.

Added to other city data, such as the influx of people or air quality sensors, certain areas could become pedestrian-only during peak pollution hours, as well as analyzing the impact of a new road to see if carbon emissions have increased or decreased.

With Wisenet Road AI (running on selected 4K cameras from the Wisenet P range), these advances are already within the reach of local authorities.

Hanwha Techwin Europe Uri GutermanUri Guterman

Product and Marketing Director of Hanwha Techwin Europe





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By • 7 Sea, 2022
• Section: Services, Grandstands, Video surveillance