Eagle Eye and Jump at La Pinada Lab

In the coworking and coliving facilities of La Pinada Lab in Valencia, Eagle Eye Networks And Salto Systems have installed a cloud video surveillance system to demonstrate the value of video sharing and the ease of use of the system.

Eagle Eye Networks has partnered with the access control provider Salto Systems to show its video surveillance capabilities in the cloud at the facilities of La Pinada Lab in Paterna. This cooperation is designed to expand its ways of use in multi-user and multi-user environments, such as the spaces coworking And coliving.

In addition to security, video surveillance can foster collaboration and offer insight into the use of the building and how visitors interact with the property.

Eagle Eye and Jump at La Pinada Lab

"Being installed in a laboratory, it is natural to observe and experiment with the use of Eagle Eye technology and the Salto experience, identifying opportunities for new solutions and the impact of digitalization and automation on daily life", Explains Christian Schmitz, Director of Shared Living and Work Spaces at Salto Systems.

In 2022, Eagle Eye Networks and other technology partners will offer courses to professionals working in the field of smart cities and buildings.

Eagle Eye Networks' integration with Salto's cloud access control is a good example of the role integrated security will play in providing holistic security and a comprehensive view of buildings..

Eagle Eye and Jump at La Pinada Lab

"We are delighted to contribute to La Pinada Lab's initiative in Spain to foster innovation and collaboration", has declared Rishi Lodhia, Managing Director, Eagle Eye Networks EMEA. "Our ecosystem of technology partners helps expand the possibilities of our own products and services., making them more useful to our customers".

After moving to Eagle Eye Networks, the City Council of Elche (Spain) has reduced the number of employees required for the supervision and maintenance of the cameras, while city officials get more information from cameras.

In La Pinada Lab has tried not only to show the advantages of video surveillance in the cloud, but how video surveillance and access control in the cloud create an integrated security solution. Employees can focus on creativity, customer experience and innovation, the Eagle Eye Networks platform, with Salto cloud access control, provides ease of use and does the heavy lifting of maintaining the system.

Eagle Eye and Jump at La Pinada Lab

"This was one of my first product installations Eagle Eye Cloud VMS and I'm really impressed with their capabilities and flexibility. Now I am able to better serve my customers from telecommunications to physical security as a service.", comments Fernando Fernández, of TGT Consulting and eagle eye networks certified reseller who performed the installation at La Pinada Lab.

Salto and Eagle Eye Networks join La Pinada Lab's collaboration program as project partners. The first step is to incorporate both Salto's products and intelligent access technology and Eagle Eye Networks' cloud video surveillance into the infrastructure of the La Pinada space.,

Miguel Tito Malone, director of La Pinada Lab, has explained the experience carried out. "A space like this only comes to life if you have the right partners in the ecosystem who want to drive collaboration and innovation.".

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By • 20 Jan, 2022
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Video surveillance