Vaxtor Group

The official agreement to acquire Vaxtor Group confirms the strategic expansion of Mobotix and strengthens your operating business, to which it adds product compatibility, which also run in a decentralized manner and embedded in the camera.

Vaxtor Group, video analytics provider based on artificial intelligence (The) and specialist in deep learning (deep learning), as well as in optical character recognition (OCR) and Vehicle registration (Alpr), offers a wide range of solutions for numerous vertical market segments, that after its acquisition by Mobotix reinforce the technological proposal of the German security company.

Mobotix and Vaxtor GroupWith a one hundred percent internal development, his technical vision, experience and continued investment in R&D have ensured continued growth and positive operating profits for Vaxtor Group, which has a broad international customer base, in fifty countries of the world, together with industry reference partners.

Used in combination with Mobotix cameras, The analysis technology vaxtor enables automated letter capture, numbers or other machine- and human-readable data, in addition to recording and processing such information cost-effectively at high speed and activating any related processes.

All this facilitates and accelerates the vertical market strategy by Mobotix, since the use of these technologies can be applied in sectors such as retail, transport or Public Administration, among others, as well as for container tracking, vehicles and aircraft in the areas of logistics and manufacturing.

Mobotix HubLatest market analyses estimate that the global industry of automatic license plate recognition solutions (Alpr) will increase the 2.300 million dollars currently at 3.800 millions in the year 2025, which means a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the 10%.

In addition, Vaxtor products are custom designed for the high-performance camera platform Mobotix 7 and have the competitive advantage that their analytics applications can run decentralized and embedded in the camera, eliminating the need for expensive peripheral hardware, to which is added its total integration into the video management software Mobotix Hub.

Mobotix 7 M73Taking into account all these factors, procurement offers extensive commercial and development possibilities, as well as business synergies. In particular, the opportunity for close development collaboration between Vaxtor and the newly created Mobotix Development Office in Madrid, enabling both organizations to address both growing emerging markets and future requirements more effectively.

for Thomas Lausten, CEO of Mobotix, "This acquisition is an important step in our strategy to strengthen our AI capabilities and deep learning And, although Vaxtor will continue operating as an independent company, is based on compelling commercial and development synergies and clear strategic benefits for both parties.".

Mobotix 7For its part, John Vercher, CEO and founder of Vaxtor, underlines that "we are delighted with the possibilities that this acquisition brings us. Not only can we continue to operate as an independent company and grow our existing business relationships., rather the opportunity to have closer strategic collaboration, both technically and commercially, with a company of the stature of Mobotix is exactly the catalyst needed to drive our ambitious growth strategy.".

The acquisition has been approved by the corporate bodies, while both companies have agreed not to disclose any financial details. The transaction is still subject to approval by the relevant authorities and is expected to close in the first quarter of 2022.

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By • 18 Jan, 2022
• Section: MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Business, Video surveillance