Hikvision Mark FenollarYour appointment as Director of Key Account Sales, strategic area for Hikvision, responds to the commitment of the security manufacturer to accelerate growth in Spain and Portugal.

Hikvision has appointed Mark Fenollar new key account sales manager for the Iberian market, after joining the company in February 2021 and develop its work as sales area manager.

Computer Engineer, Fenollar brings its more than fifteen years of experience in consulting, development and creation of high security projects as responsible for large accounts, national and international, for the private sector, banking and public administrations.

Hikvision's new sales director for key accounts now faces a new stage, leading the sales team with the aim of contributing to the company's growth in the Iberian market.

"It is an extraordinary challenge to be in the world's leading security systems company," said Fenollar.. I share with Hikvision the ambition to grow year by year and to grow our partners, and in that line we will continue. If the work that has been done has been excellent, the goal now is to improve it and boost the development of new solutions and markets”.

The appointment of Marcos Fenollar coincides with that of Bruno Bento, as a new Portugal regional sales manager, and with the new additions to the Hikvision Iberia team, continuing the company's commitment to continue promoting and incorporating talent and creating value for its customers with security products and solutions for different applications.

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By • 2 Dec, 2021
• Section: Business