Vesta and Optex By Demes GroupBoth the radio and hybrid alarm system of Vesta you can now integrate the wireless outdoor sensors of Optex for a reliable intrusion detection system.

The manufacturer Vesta adds to its proposal to improve the security and protection in exterior wireless systems of Optex, which can now be integrated into your radio alarm and hybrid alarm systems.

The presentation in the market of the transmitter via radio F1 868MHz by Vesta (TX-OPT-BXS-F1-868), available through your authorized distributor in Spain By Demes Group, has enabled this integration with Optex devices.

Vesta and Optex By Demes GroupThe transmitter has a BUS connection to the detector and radio transmission to the intrusion panel. With a simple and fast installation (just five minutes) inside the detector it is possible to send RF signals via radio to the control panel (Alarm, sabotage, low battery or monitoring).

It is now possible to effectively integrate the TX interface of Vesta with the outdoor wireless sensors Optex of the BXS series, VXS, WXI, WXS And QXI, thus allowing a remote and complete management from any Vesta alarm center.

Among other advantages of this integration is to have a reliable and accurate intrusion detection system, easy to install without wiring, with all the benefits of Optex and Vesta technologies.

In addition, the Optex sensor can be configured remotely from the App/Web SmartHomeSec. To this are added configurable parameters such as sensor sensitivity, the rest time, anti-masking, independent alarm detection (L/R) and turn on/off Led.

The user has notifications of alarm signals, sabotage, low battery and monitoring, together with the automatic recognition of the Optex detector.

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By • 9 Nov, 2021
• Section: Detection, Intrusion, Business