Vittoria Residence Vivotek

This large apartment complex has a security system with technology Vivotek, composed of a total of 291 network cameras, video recorders and PoE switches.

Vittoria Residence is an apartment complex, located in Jakarta (Indonesia), that combines a resort concept and large green areas in balanced harmony, with comfortable facilities including gym, pool and spa, café, a large lobby and parking area.

Its central location offers quick access to public transport (bus and train stations), a hospital, restaurant areas and a small local market, following the vision of real estate development directly integrated with public transport.

Vittoria Residence Vivotek

With these characteristics, the security of the complex was an important element, as dim light lighting is used and there are some blind spots due to the pillars, mainly in the indoor parking area that required cameras with good night visibility and coverage.

For this purpose, a security system has been installed, consisting of a total of 291 manufacturer's cameras Vivotek, with nine network video recording systems and fourteen PoE switches.

Specifically,, the coverage of the corridors of the main lobby of the complex and in the gym is done with 246 model fixed dome network cameras FD8369A-V by Vivotek, a compact 2 Megapixels with UP to IR illuminators 30 m away.

Vittoria Residence VivotekFor the pool area and indoor parking have been deployed 31 bullet type devices for outdoor bullets 2 Megapixel IB8369A, which has IR illuminators, WEATHERproof IP66 protection and vandal-proof IK10 rating.

Fourteen panoramic cameras have also been installed in the parking area CC8371-HV to circumvent the blind spots created by the pillars. Unlike cameras with multiple sensors that join a 180° panoramic image, this camera uses a single fisheye lens and features WDR Pro for high contrast lighting situations, with IP66 protection and IK10 rating.

Nine video recorders of the model ND9541, located in the control room of Vittoria Residence, are responsible for the management of the cameras. These teams integrate VAST 2 Vms to centrally manage multiple sites and provide real-time video monitoring and playback.

Vittoria Residence VivotekWith Smart Search II, ND9541 NVR allows users to more quickly search for objects or people when a security event arises. It is also compatible with Vivotek cameras enabled with smart VCA, providing the ability to add AI algorithms for even faster searches and events, ideal for building management.

In addition, fourteen PoE switches of the model AW-GET-260A-380 are responsible for supplying power to the cameras and transmitting video data from the deployed security system.

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By • 6 Oct, 2021
• Section: Deep down, Case studies, HIGHLIGHTED CASE STUDY, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Urban security, Video surveillance