Panasonic X Series i-Pro

From his new responsibility, Gerard Figols will govern the organization of i-Pro EMEA, independent of Panasonic from this month, in its activity in the security market.

From the past 1 October, the new global company i-Pro EMEA is officially independent of Panasonic, as announced Digital AV, is headquartered in Amsterdam and is part of the i-Pro Co network of global companies. Ltd. based in Japan.

i-Pro EMEA Gerard Figols PresidentAs the company's statement points out, “i-Pro EMEA will revolutionize the security camera industry by leveraging Panasonic's reputation for quality and reliability and adding a start-up mindset, based on the rapid response to customer demands and the contribution of new and competitive products to the market”.

In this sense, i-Pro EMEA will leverage its sixty-year experience of producing high-quality security cameras and accelerate the introduction of innovations, such as artificial intelligence.

According to your new address, the company will adopt the i-Pro brand as a separate product identity from April 2022.

Gerard Figols (in the image above) has been named President of i-Pro EMEA and will lead the organization in this new era. In addition to transferring to the current staff and their technical knowledge from Panasonic, the company will also undertake an active hiring process to bring new talent into the organization to help improve the level and future growth..

“Today marks an exciting new chapter in the development of the security camera sector, said Gerard Figols.. i-Pro's goal is to lead the integration of artificial intelligence into the security camera market, making it the new standard”.

i-Pro EMEA Wanda NijholtAs underlined by the president of i-Pro EMEA, “the forecast is to triple the number of cameras in our range in the next six-twelve months. We will use the new agility of the company to respond quickly to the needs of the market, offering more high quality products, in shorter development times and with a higher value for money. Our goal is to help partners and customers on this exciting journey”.

As part of this commitment to get closer to your partners and customers, i-Pro EMEA plans to revitalize its Premium Partner Program, which includes wholesalers and integrators.

Wanda Nijholt, Director of Marketing and Communication, i-Pro EMEA, ensures that “we will work more closely than ever with partners, listening to your needs and responding quickly with new solutions to become the most reliable next-generation partner on the market”.

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By • 5 Oct, 2021
• Section: HIGHLIGHTED IN DEPTH, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Business, Video surveillance