Geutebruck ff videosystems G-SIM X Panopticon

The latest version of the G-SIM X Panopticon management system Geutebruck, brand that distributes exclusively FF Videossystems, integrates additional features for fast and cost-effective setup.

The German multinational Geutebruck, specialist in image-based software that it sells exclusively FF Videossystems, contributes in the latest version of G-SIM X Panopticon an improved management console, that supports configuration through direct feedback, and live verification.

As a result,, administrators can work simultaneously on the parameterization of a system, while a single administrator can configure multiple servers.

The improved user interface Operator Console fits the user, to the environment and individual workflows. Web browser integration allows you to display web-based applications and operate third-party systems.

Geutebruck ff videosystems G-SIM X Panopticon

Maps with feature geographic references to show in detail the location of cameras and static objects. Video systems distributed in specific geographical locations thus have a precise and reliable orientation.

Solutions based on artificial intelligence (The) for mask detection and body temperature measurement have also been more accurately integrated into G-SIM.

An overlay in the viewfinder shows alarms, object outlines, measurement ranges and body temperature data.

With the software option G-SIM/Global, multiple independent G-SIM servers in geographically dispersed locations can be linked together to form a global safety net.

Thanks to this it is possible to effectively protect many locations as is the case in the transport sector, Industry, government agencies, distribution networks, companies with multiple delegations, Etc.

Katharina Geutebrück, general manager of the company, explains that “our customers expect high availability, Reliability, efficiency and flexibility. G-SIM X Panopticon meets these standards to provide an optimal overview from a central location”.

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By • 26 Jul, 2021
• Section: Access control, Systems control, Infrastructure, Services