
The combination of real-time video with intelligent data visualization will enable Haivision deliver end-to-end solutions for mission-critical collaboration in operations centers and control rooms.

The network solution provider, mission critical and real-time video streaming, Haivision Systems, has signed an agreement to acquire CineMassive Displays. In this way, you can combine low-latency live video with secure data sources and communication elements.

Based in Atlant, CineMassive has 62 employees and develops mission-critical visual collaboration technology including CineNet. It is a solution that aggregates content from multiple sources in real time for visualization and interaction within the control room operations centers. It also enables you to securely share across multi-site organizations and with remote collaborators.

Among the companies that have its technology are Akamai, Mckesson, Cox Communications, cbs, Stanford University, many U.S. emergency response/police centers and tactical operations centers in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.

CineMassive CineNet

"Physical threats, network and cybersecurity are the current reality that governments and large companies are addressing with global multidisciplinary teams", explains Mirko Wicha, President and CEO of Haivision. "With the combination of Haivision and CineMassive technologies, customers can create a secure, global, common operational image of a single vendor by leveraging both cloud connectivity and edge intelligent capabilities.".

The combination of secure real-time video networks and data visualization creates an offering to help with the challenge of an immediate and coordinated response to complex situations. Haivision will offer end-to-end solutions designed for mission-critical collaboration in global security operations centers, joint operations and tactical operations centres, public safety operations centers and control rooms.

“Haivision and CineMassive are highly complementary in the government and defense markets”, states Brian Henry, Senior Vice President of Global Sales at Haivision.

Transaction Highlights

Haivision is acquiring CineMassive to bring together real-time video network technology and mission-critical visual collaboration solutions. The aim is to provide better service and expand your customer base. This acquisition will allow you to increase your presence in the business environment, government and defense, bringing your solutions to new public safety markets, local and state.

CineMassive Atlanta operations to become the company's storefront display collaboration center with all remaining employees and management following the transaction.

The final purchase agreement states that Haivision will acquire indirectly, through a wholly owned subsidiary, one hundred per cent of the shares of the members of CineMassive without cash or debts for a total purchase price of 30 millions of US dollars.

In the short term, CineMassive will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary. Long-term, your partners and customers will benefit from the expanded capabilities of the combined companies.

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By • 9 Jul, 2021
• Section: Data Center, Infrastructure, Business