Allread telephone in Puerto Bilbao

This access control initiative, which he has carried out together with Telephone And Allread, has been made with machine vision technologies based on deep learning, for real-time recognition of vehicle registration plates and badges, containers and goods.

Telefónica has carried out, with the Port Authority of Bilbao and Allread, an access control project, based on the application of artificial vision technologies based on deep learning, for real-time recognition of vehicle registration plates and badges, containers and goods. This enables automated access control.

The algorithm, reading the plates even if they are deteriorated or under adverse weather conditions, is hosted on Telefónica's edge computing, expanding the functionality of the cameras and ensuring the control of the access gate in a minimum time from the network, by having the operator of these artificial intelligence capabilities very close to the location of the Port.

For this project has been key the reuse of the cameras already installed in the Port of Bilbao that, thanks to Telefónica's network, edge computing and deep learning achieve accurate and real-time readings.

This project is a fundamental piece to make the digital transformation in the ports a reality, with the automation of your processes, to reduce waiting times of vehicles at the access gate, increase the traceability and safety of dangerous goods and take a step towards decarbonisation without increasing infrastructure and reducing costs.

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By • 8 Jul, 2021
• Section: Case studies, Access control, Detection