Mobotix 7

The certification that SySS has awarded to the intelligent video platform Mobotix 7 and Mx6 cameras ensures maximum guarantees in cybersecurity.

The independent certifying company SySS has examined and certified the security of the intelligent video platform Mobotix 7 and cameras Mx6. Germany's leading penetration testing body has confirmed that Mobotix's products and solutions offer the ultimate guarantees in cybersecurity.

During testing, software and hardware components have undergone numerous computer attack simulations. To do this, the most recent cyberattacks that have caused data leaks and hijackings around the world have been reproduced.

SySS examiners know the most advanced modus operandi of hackers and look for new solutions to prevent unauthorized access to digital infrastructures. syss uses all its experience and knowledge to test different computer assumptions for possible security flaws and problems.

Mobotix Mx6

“The renewal of the SySS certificate for the Mobotix platform 7 and the Mx6 series of cameras is a further demonstration of our good work. We offer our customers video systems and solutions with the highest levels of protection, not just for people, Equipment, Goods, facilities or buildings, but also for the data that is collected through our recordings”, clarifies Hartmut Sprave, CTO de Mobotix.

With Mobotix, customers can be sure to have the best possible protection against cyberattacks, also in the future. The Mobotix platform 7 and the Mx6 series of cameras are among the most advanced systems on the market when it comes to IoT camera applications.

They enjoy great prestige around the world due to their resilience, its durability and reduced energy consumption. Despite its decentralized design, the system supports onvif and h.264 technologies. All its products and solutions are part of a joint cybersecurity strategy, with a series of global initiatives that are integrated into the Cactus concept of Mobotix.

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By • 1 Jul, 2021
• Section: Systems control, Business, Computer security, Video surveillance