Esri and Nexus Geographics Safe Spaces

Available to any municipality, Esri And Nexus Geographics have added technologies in Safe Spaces, a comprehensive solution based on cloud technology and intelligent location.

Esri, geographic information systems specialist (Gis), And Nexus, in geolocation and smart maps, have presented Safe Spaces, a comprehensive solution for municipalities based on cloud technology And smart localisation (location intelligence), which includes apps for tourists and residents, a customized public consultation website and dashboards for managers, lifeguards and workers.

Safe Spaces offers real-time information on occupation, security measures and status of beach flags, available to any city council with the need to manage spaces where it is needed control the capacity, which has already been successfully tested in several Balearic municipalities, as Palma de Mallorca.

Optimize the management of the capacity in those places where there can be accumulation of people, as is the case with beaches in a pandemic context, has become a necessity to strengthen an essential sector for the Spanish economy.

The tourism industry has had to cope with a reduction in the 77% in its turnover between 2019 And 2020 And, according to data from the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), will bring growth of between one and two points of GDP in 2021, Between 66.435 And 77.273 millions of euros, figure representing a 50% of the contribution in 2019.

The complexity of beach management, a public space subject to regulations in constant evolution, with the need to inform visitors, residents and workers need digital information channels that facilitate access and enjoyment in a secure manner.

The comprehensive Safe Spaces solution has been developed from ArcGIS Online and based on cloud technology to facilitate rapid and efficient deployment.

Aimed at both municipalities, Lifeguards, managers and tourists and residents, Safe Spaces offers each of these groups a communication channel specifically designed for their needs. Specifically, Safe Spaces comprises four different applications:

App for tourists and residents: that allows to consult the state of occupation of the beaches, of flags, of accessibility zones, as well as the security measures adopted on each beach.

The app can also be adapted to the institutional image of the city council and is compatible with multiple languages (Spanish, Catalan, English and German) and iOS and Android devices. In addition, allows you to voluntarily register the stay on the beach and comment on the services through surveys.

App for lifeguards and informants: in addition to the information offered in the previous app, includes another of practical utility for the management of the beach, to report capacity changes, of the state of the flag or of the situation in accessibility platforms, and is compatible with iOS and Android systems.

Municipal management dashboards: aimed at municipal technicians, as well as security and emergency bodies, these dashboards provide key information in real time, as well as historical occupation of the beaches for the best and fast decision making.

Public information web: easy integration in the web portal of the municipality, operates as an additional channel to inform the user in real time about the aforementioned aspects, on panels and screens, which can also be customized with the image of the town hall.

The objectives of Safe Spaces are to improve the safety of tourists, with information of interest in real time to be able to enjoy the beaches safely; avoid unwanted concentrations and control capacity.

Its deployment takes place in just four weeks and there is no need to invest in additional hardware, as cameras, sensors or new servers. The solution is scalable to incorporate new developments, as tourist maps, warning systems or compatibility with counting sensors.

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By • 22 Jun, 2021
• Section: Access control, Systems control, Urban security, Services