Detection Technologies Multisense ProdexTec

The MultiSense intrusion detection system Detection Technologies, available in Spain and Portugal through ProdexTec, offers great sability and flexibility thanks to its ability to apply the right sensor in the right place.

Securing all aspects of a modern perimeter with a single system is what it offers MultiSense a solution designed to detect any attempted intrusion or climbing of fences, Walls, doors or even in the frames of buildings.

Your node-based system enables you to refine edge discovery, providing visualization, control and flexibility. You can use different types of sensors integrated and distributed across the perimeter of a protected site.

The microphonic sensor cable VibraTek Plus can be combined with seismic sensors VibraFon, as well as with VibraTilt, a three-axis acceleration and tilt sensor.

In addition, the ability to integrate any third-party sensor makes MultiSense a complete solution for perimeter protection developed by Detection Technologies.

The detection system consists of MultiSense nodes that allow you to connect different types of sensors when necessary. The combination of sensors eliminates the so-called 'blind spots', which would be difficult to detect without this flexibility.

Each sensor can be supplied with custom configuration settings to account for variations in the protected perimeter. The data collected by the sensors are analyzed centrally by MultiSense Hub.

Detection Technologies Multisense ProdexTec

The network of nodes encompasses those that are installed at the edge of the perimeter (For example, Fences, walls or doors) or on the facades of buildings (Walls, roofs and windows). Each node can host multiple types of sensors to suit specific detection requirements and needs.

All detection devices communicate with Multisense Hub, which is normally installed in a secure control room, and connects to all nodes using a single-cable communications and power bus. The bus can be a linear stretch or a redundant loop to make the system more resilient against frontline attacks.

The MultiSense Hub processes all the alterations detected by the sensors to evaluate an alarm situation, based on the joint adjustment of sensors or neighboring areas (or the entire deployment), unlike when this task is carried out individually in separate electronic systems. As a result, the number of false alarms is incredibly low.

A system can work with a single MultiSense Hub. However, when redundancy is required against failures, multiple distributed hubs are used, avoiding any 'single point of failure', allowing multiple sensor and control room lines to be connected to multiple clients.

MultiSense ensures that all aspects of operation are continuously monitored and reported along with alarms. The system informs monitoring staff of possible failures before they occur.

A health check 24/7 ensures that all nodes are kept within the temperature range, specified humidity and tension. In addition, the inflow of water or other fluids into any node is immediately notified.

A digital map allows a visual representation of the full perimeter of all alarm zones and physical barriers. This provides staff with immediate notifications of perimeter state changes and error messages, that the operator has to confirm and initiate countermeasures.

The digital control panel allows one or more operators to monitor and control the perimeter. Each control panel can be customized to respond to the needs of each place. It is browser-based, which means it works on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux) and on multiple devices (Pc, tablet) no need for internet connection.

you can also include interactive animations, graphics and Widgets, as well as easily incorporate any structural changes to the perimeter without the need to invest in additional hardware. In terms of security, the digital dashboard requires a user record to ensure that all user entries can be traced back to the individual user.

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By • 2 Jun, 2021
• Section: Deep down, HIGHLIGHTED IN DEPTH, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Detection, Intrusion, Networks