Located in the Performance Center, provides video surveillance coverage throughout the facility and perimeter. MediaWall V processor handles inputs from intrusion detection and access control systems, IP cameras, VMS and HDTV streams.

RGB at Detroit Pistons NBA

The new training facilities and corporate headquarters of the Detroit Pistons NBA, the Performance Center, has a security operations center (Soc) the latest generation that ensures the safety of 24 hours of the day, The 7 days of the week. SoC provides video surveillance coverage throughout the facility and in all areas of the perimeter.

The project was implemented by the security integrator Identify with the consulting firm Ross & Baruzzini|Dvs, who have opted for the processor RGB Spectrum MediaWall V, given its real-time performance, 4K image quality and integration of operator control stations.

MediaWall V processor receives input from access control systems, IP surveillance cameras, a video management system (Vms), HDTV streams, an intruder detection system and several computers.

The processor consolidates these fonts and displays them in windows of different size of a 2 video wall×4. Operators can instantly change input sources and choose from up to 60 predefined and customizable screen layouts. They can also scroll and zoom to see items of particular interest.

RGB at Detroit Pistons NBA

The result is that critical images and data are centralized into a correlated view to improve situation awareness, incident assessment and threat analysis.

The MediaWall V provides safe and reliable operation 24 hours of the day, The 7 days of the week. Its integrated architecture resists piracy and manipulation, protects against malware intrusion and prevents vulnerabilities at risk of PC-based wall processor systems.

For operator control, the SOC uses RGB Spectrum MultiPoint Express (MCMS), an innovative control room management system designed for collaborative work environments.

Three MCMS control stations allow operators to share and control the VMS, surveillance cameras, access control system and other functions, using its unified keyboard/mouse system (KVM).

MCMS provides operators with a highly graphical and intuitive control interface with live thumbnails and drag-and-drop capabilities.

To extend images of multiple images from the MediaWall V processor to the video wall, CAT-Linx extenders are available 2 RGB Spectrum HDBaseT installed. These transmit 4K signals via a conventional CAT 5e/6 cable up to a length of one hundred meters. For ease of installation, power is supplied to the units via the same CAT5e cable / 6 transporting video and data.

With 4K image quality, Reliability 24/7, safe operation and feature-rich capabilities, RGB Spectrum's MediaWall V videowall processor is the ideal choice for security operations centers, control rooms, traffic management facilities, network operations centers, emergency and digital signage.

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By • 13 Apr, 2021
• Section: Case studies, Data Center, Access control, Systems control, Detection, Intrusion, Video surveillance