This Critical Europe system, 2CI Group, is available in three versions for connecting 4, 9 And 12 Channels.

2cigroup critical idtk range

In compact tabletop or rack-hosting format, Critical's IDTKclient solution, which is part of 2CI Group, is one of the most powerful in this range thanks to the precision and speed of its internal hardware and license plate recognition capture and management software for traffic surveillance.

Available in three models depending on the number of channels (For 4, 9 And 12), this license plate collection and recognition system allows the connection of IP or analog cameras (via an IP module) Compatible with Onvif protocol, H265,Mpeg and Rtsp, with the ability to integrate specific brands and models on demand.

2cigroup critical IDTKclientIDTKclient software incorporates the management of additional I/O modules, that allow the connection of any external element and its interaction. Depending on the alert schedule it is possible to manage or interact with the modules according to the need required by the installation.

The hardware of this system equips an Intel i7 processor and RAM 16 /32 And 64, depending on the number of channels – 4, 9 Or 12, Respectively, with SSD storage 1 Tb.

IDTKclient works with Windows operating system, MS SQL Express/Mongo database; features HDMI video output and supports AVI and Mp4 video sources.

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By • 12 Apr, 2021
• Section: Detection, Urban security, Services