This allows you to integrate the existing system, manage the solution and have all the services ready in one step.

Vivotek and Soyal

In partnership with Soyal Technology, one of Taiwan's most prestigious access control manufacturers, Vivotek has launched a solution that combines access control and IP surveillance. This allows you to integrate the existing system, manage the solution and have all the services ready in one step.

Through the new solution, users can reduce the time and budget required for system integration. This new solution can also be adopted in several fields at once and sets a considerably higher level of security in a smarter way..

With facial recognition and video tagging, you can accurately check people coming in and out and then track where visitors are going once they enter. In addition, security personnel can manage IP access control and surveillance systems via VAST 2 by Vivotek, intuitive and easy-to-use video management software.

All of these advanced features combine to provide an enhanced user experience, while simplifying device configuration and management procedures.

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By • 26 Sea, 2021
• Section: Access control, Systems control, Business, Video surveillance