From 2012 working at the company, responsibility encompasses Spain's markets, France, Benelux, Italy and other countries in this area, as well as Africa.

Synology Victor Wang dtor gral sur EuropaThe new Director General for Southern Europe Synology, Victor Wang to focus on sales development and marketing strategy in this area and in Africa, with the aim of increasing the company's recognition, as well as the availability of your IP storage and surveillance products, among others.

In addition, Victor Wang trabajará en la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades de negocio en sectores clave y en el canal, as well as building a service network to maintain the satisfaction and trust of the company's customers.

Synology worker since 2012, Wang began his career at this company in Taiwan, responsabilizing the domestic market. He later became part of the international team leading the sales department in the Middle East regions, South Africa and Southeast Asia.

Before your arrival at Synology's European headquarters, Wang led a new team created to boost the market in Southeast Asia through the channel and the creation of strategic alliances in the region.

"Wang has long experience in managing international markets and developing business strategies across Synology channels," said Alexandra Bejan, marketing manager in Europe of the company-. We are very pleased to welcome you as the new Director General of the Europe and Africa regions, and we are convinced that it will help us achieve the objectives in these territories".

For its part, Victor Wang has stated that "the pandemic has posed many challenges, but it has also driven new opportunities in telework, collaboration, data management or cybersecurity. From Synology, we will work so that partners and users can leverage them through our solutions. I am delighted to be able to work with Synology France's team to continue to grow and strengthen our presence in the markets in Spain, France, Benelux, Italy and Africa".

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By • 17 Sea, 2021
• Section: Business