The regional sales manager of Iberia and Italy of this security manufacturer, analyzes the challenges facing the security sector and technological innovations to achieve this.

Mobotix Alfredo Gutierrez

What effects has had the pandemic in the field of security and, especially, in video surveillance?

Our sector has been clearly impacted by COVID-19, wherefore video surveillance is directly related to the physical safety and integrity of people. Thermal imaging solutions, For example, have been major players in this regard to foresee and avoid new pockets of contagion,warning in cases of high body temperatures, which must then be reviewed and contrasted with the relevant health workers.

Technological innovations in embedded video analytics or thermal analysis have also made it possible to identify from the good use of masks or compliance with safety distances, up to capacity levels in a precinct. Smart solutions that have spread on unimaginable terrain in pre-pandemic times.

Panasonic I-Pro and MobotixUnlike other sectors that have had to slow down their business, ours has been more active than ever. Protecting people and, together, to society, is part of the DNA of which we form this sector.

Hence, solutions of the most creative that have come to stay have emerged in record time, since, according to subject matter experts, pandemic crises may unfortunately be repeated in the future. In any case, our solutions are flexible and can be readfitted to new scenarios once the pandemic passes.

Lcybersecurity has also played a very important role in this pandemic. How it's being handled video surveillance systems?

Smart technology solutions increasingly identify and record more information. As overtaking, there's a lot of information that can be extracted from an image, and cybersecurity must go into a consistent development to protect such data.

mobotix S74What's more, it is appropriate that the device itself that does the analysis (For example, whether or not she wears a mask), be able to anonymize information to transmit only those relevant data, without having to convey the image itself, so that the identity of the person concerned is protected. In this way solutions can be deployed for the health of all, without citizens having to give up their rights or freedoms.

For our part, cybersecurity is a technological challenge already overcome because we have long put it as the foundation of our systems. The cameras Mobotix employ advanced analytics where cybersecurity is part of their genetics. This has been confirmed by the cybersecurity certificates received internationally in this last season (CNPP, SySS Penetration Testing, NDAA compliant, ...).

In the present 2021, what challenges will the sector face security?

Our sector is increasingly linked to new technologies, like artificial intelligence. In my opinion, one of the main fundamental challenges is to change paradigms and, consequently, mindset. Transcending the molds of the traditional to integrate fully into the current, much more cross-cutting, liquid and, somehow, also complex.

Mobotix thermal cameraAnd in it we have to be all that make up the sector: Manufacturers, security companies, Installers, as well as the same customers, since it's about, ultimately, to contribute as much as possible to improving people's lives through adequate protection.

On the other hand, and in the face of the current global crisis landscape, whose economic consequences we are not yet able to determine, our sector must be a pillar that allows people to feel protected, trusted with their environment, in terms of possible contagions, as well as an increase in criminality (frequent in times of crisis), so that the conditions of stability and security that markets need are established.

Current technology tools, and the ones we're developing ad hoc, allow us to be providers of security that promotes economic recovery.

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By • 5 Feb, 2021
• Section: Deep down, MAIN HIGHLIGHT, Interviews, Business, Urban security